My dog is starting agility training. Typically how many years of training...


New member
Jun 14, 2010
...before a dog is ready to compete? Like at what age do dogs typically compete? And at what age do you retire them?

I have a 2 year old dog that is starting agility training this summer and the trainer said it usually takes a few years before the dog is ready to compete. So I am just trying to get an idea at what age she will be when she is competing and how long she will be able to compete. But he won't start training any dog for it until they are two years old.

Also she is a mutt but they trainer said she will be able to compete, but we have to get some kind of register number or something. Could anybody give me some insight into that please?


We are doing this all for fun but it would be kind of cool if she got to compete one day. She is great.