I have this riddle for you all.?


New member
Jun 4, 2010
10 points to who ever answers it right. A dead man is found in a locked room, hanging from the ceiling 4 ft. above the floor. The room is completely empty, except for a puddle of water below him. How did he die?
He placed a block of ice below on the floor, stood up on it and then hanged himself. After he died the block of ice melted which made the puddle on the floor.
He was on ice

I told everybody else the answer before I gave mine

Why did he hang himself?

He hung himself because he ordered a pizza and they put anchovies on it when he asked for none.
Hahahahaha!!!!! Agree with "Rawrgasm68".... He/She is a genius...! By the way, interesting riddle..!
Love this riddle ...
The man gets a block of ice , stands on the ice , hang himself , and then the ice melts , which leaves the puddle.