Does anyone know of a site where people discuss real questions about religion?


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Try this website:

If that doesn't work, search google for "religious questions" or something.

But I'll answer your question if I can.
and don't just bicker mindlessly and make fun of each other?
The problem is that half the Christians here don't know anything about the bible and half the Atheists know even less. Yet everyone claims they are an expert

Sadly, no.

If you find one please share it with us.

(Maybe one question is 20 on this forum is anywhere close to genuine.)

I've heard BeliefNet is good, never been there and don't know the exact web address, but that is the name.

o come on don't be a snob ....please ...let them laugh as much as they want....but God will have the last laugh
Wish I did, if I find one I'll let you know.

Although this place has it's ups and downs and can be good at times, but the making fun and arguing do get boring real quick.

Cinn =)
if there were less people that thought they knew everything and actually were looking for the truth instead of being right people could actually have good discussions i was going to try to start a site but the one that are proved wrong will ruin it for everyone they don't care for the truth they just want to be right