Greek Mythology: Ares and Aphrodite and Hephaestus?


New member
Jun 2, 2010
These three have iusses, Ares and Aphrodite love each other but she is married to Hephaestus.
Well I think it's about time these three went on The Jeremy kyle Show.

Jeremy Kyle: Now next on my show we have a goddess who is married but she's been sleeping with anouther god, lets bring her out
*Aphrodite walks out to wolf wistels*
Jeremy Kyle: Oh ee...oh...hi..yes,,, you are so lovely
*He opens his mouth and gags at her*
Jeremy Kyle: Take a seat now you've been going with a god called Ares *Shows Ares backstage* while married to Hephaestus *Shows the god blasting mortals out of anger*

Who would be in the crowds? and is they any chance this show could go one air with three gods, they could kill everyone, My father Poseidon thinks its a great idea