1 line of a Sprint family plan, to AT&T iPhone family plan?


Active member
Mar 15, 2008
I am getting an iPhone soon, and I had a few questions.

1) If I am on a sprint family plan with 2 other people, can i port
just my number from that plan and put in onto a new iPhone
family plan?

2) What is the termination fee if i have been on the 2 year plan
for a year?

3) Can you have two phones on the same plan but one with a
Texas area code, and the other with a Florida area code?

first of all, exactly how many people are in this family of yours. and how many of them are kids?!!! because that is a huge factor here in this particular porting equation.. and um what's an iPhone? Termination fees are bad. And as for question number three, well you're going to have to take that one up with management. thanx.
yes u can port just 1 of the #'s over to at&t. 2. the ETF is $150. and 3. i dont believe u can have different area codes on the lines unless they are single lines.