Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?



Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

I would have been more specific if there was a greater character limit, so for the more pedantic out there in internet land, kindly STFU.I know humans are animals! This is what I meant about being guys just can't help yourselves.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

Yes they do say that. There is a strict separation of church and state.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

No, because they know even a seven year old would laugh at them. I knew evolution was a load of nonsense when I first heard it taught in the 3rd grade.Evolution is utter nonsense.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

I don't think any of my teachers have ever said that to me. Although, I'd correct them in the fact that we still are animal. I mean, we're not robots or anything. Plus, with all of the corruption and stuff in the world, a lot of Humans can fairly be compared to a savage beast.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

I love how you polarize humans and animals, like we're so distinctly different. We're not. We're still animals. Human beings didn't used to exist. Certain types of apes existed, which over the course of time became what we perceive as Human beings today. Yes. Teachers tell children that.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

Hopefully anyone teaching realizes which Kingdom we are in and wouldn't be that ignorant of taxonomy.If we are vertebrates or mammals, we have to be animals. If we are not animals, we also aren't vertebrates or mammals.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

Not really, we are still animals, just animals with a big brain.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

Technically she should have said Only Christians are animalseveryone is else evolved and are not a bunch of savages
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

I don't know. I'd have to ask a biology teacher.This is a theory and has not been proven to be a fact.Ask a high school biology teacher in the USA.Perhaps you might post this in the education section.What does STFU mean?
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

That's exactly why I send my daughter to a private Christian school. I'm not about to have her brainwashed by the public school system, so she can grow up to be one of these idiot atheists on R&S.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

Human beings are still animals. Biology does not have a category for beings that are not animals.===Mr Answer --So, you're admitting to having only a 3rd grade science education? Well, that at least makes you more honest than most young-earth believers.====edit --Then why didn't you just ask if science teachers in the US teach evolution?That is clear enough - and well with the character limit for questions.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

I imagine some teachers do. It's easier to teach by handing students information rather than working to make them think, teaching them how to think, teaching them the rules of thought, and having them work to come to reasonable conclusions.It is best to withhold conclusions and have the students struggle with the facts. Teaching and learning well takes effort, but the kind of teaching described in your question is too low level in Bloom's taxonomy and too close to indoctrination.
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

Yes, there is separation between church and state, but this statement is not a religious statement. I am a teacher, and would never promote this as truth to my children. I have made a promise as a teacher to always tell my students the truth and to use the proper resources to seek the best answers. Although options are presented, the children are clear about what is true and what isn't. Because in so many schools the students aren't being taught the truth because it has been given religious status and therefore not considered science, it's no wonder our society is so screwed up.In science, humans ARE in the animal kingdom, but farther down the taxonomy there is more of a distinction. It is more likely that whenever two beings in the same species are combined, they produce a lesser intelligent creature, not a more intelligent one. Beings in two different genus cannot be "married" together, as their genetic makeup does not allow it. This is why people cannot produce offspring with rabbits, and why we don't have "dats","cogs", and flying elephants (except Dumbo).
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

I hope that's what their teaching then. It beats the being formed from soil and a rib fairy tale!
Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

Do teachers in the US say to children, “Human beings used to be animals but evolved into intelligent beings.”?

The ones that tell children the truth probably get chased out of town by pitchfork wielding yokels.