What should I do, I may get fired?


Melen Y

Job on the line?OK. I work as a school bus driver. I made some cd's from the internet to play on the bus. However, I didn't listen to some of the songs I downloaded. I learned that there was a swear in one of the songs I had on it. I accidently left this cd on one of the buses.Another driver decided to play this for the kids. The kids heard it and so did the driver. She calls me to tell me that this happen. I was pissed and thinking Oh sh*t, domino effect begins. The kid tells mom/dad, parents call my boss and my boss fires me.I go in panic mode. I then get a phone call from the driver saying heads up the boss knows about the cd's and wants to listen to them for himself. My heart sank, my legs went limp and I cried hysterically thinking this is it, I am done for. I'll be fired. Racing thoughts begin and I cry even more. I wrote a 3 page apology letter. I handed it to my boss Fri. Morning. I haven't heard anything from the bosss. I'm waiting now all weekend if I have job Monday? What should I do?
LOL over a song??Come on, no one was killed. But still, you should have been more clever.Just apologize and assure them you wont do it again.
You made an innocent mistake. I don't think you intentionally put a song on the CD with a swear in it! You are a bus driver; you care about the children you drive to and from school I don't think you would want to hurt them.I also think you are sincerely sorry and I hope that your boss and the parents of the children see that too. I think that a warning is sufficient; this way you won't make the same mistake again and it will also serve as an example to your coworkers to be careful if they do the same thing.If your boss and the parents of the children cannot pardon you for this then shame on them. I sincerely doubt that any of these people have never cussed in front of their own children or that they have not let them watch unsuitable programs/movies/shows on TV. For them not to forgive you makes them hypocrites because everyone messes up, especially when there are kids around (Murphy's law).Keep your head up, be optimistic, make sure that it's known how sorry you are. Everything will be alright. :)I would only worry if you've had other complaints made against you. If not then you should be fine!
Pray to God to see u thru this with a positive outcome. Apologize to the other driver and thank him for the heads up. Handle this with absolute intregrity with your employer, and don't panic it will all work out in the end. If u lie, ur employer will pick up on it from the movement in ur eyes. A trusting employee is a keeper. Last but not least..don't condemn urself and forgive urself. Perhaps u should monitor what ur listening to.Lord I ask for your merciful kindness in this situation, I pray for peace to come upon her heart now and to trust in u Lord. I thank you and praise you for what u will do in this situation. In Jesus name I pray,AmenGod bless u,Daniel><>