Teens: does smoking put you off people?


May 11, 2008
If someone smokes, does it put you off being friends with them, or would it put you off liking someone (ie. as a bf/gf)?
um for some people it does, i guess it depends on what kinda friends you have, alot of people have gone off me now i smoke yet ive made a lot more better friends so it depends really :) x
Smoking what? Weed, no. Cigarettes, yes. But only if they smoke a lot, if you smoke maybe one a day that's okay. For boyfriends.

I don't mind if my friends smoke anything. Have at it.
It would definitley put me off, but I would not judge them because of that, but I will not surround myself with them or I won't hang around them. No, I do not want a friend or a boyfriend who smokes anything, or has bad habits.:)
no not really, unless they smoke like around me or try and get me too like this lad i went out with. he kept telling me to have one, in the end i broke up with him - not for that reason tho.

but if they smoke around me i wouldn't really notice cause my mom does, and i smoked for a year but gave up as i was spending my lunch money on fags
I really wouldn't want to be with someone that smokes. It would damage my health as a result of the secondhand, and I can't stand breathing in smoke for very long. It's noxious.

I hope that you find this as a good inspiration to quit.
In a way yes; I wouldn't personally want my boyfriend to smoke and if he did smoke then I would try and get him to stop because of how bad it is for your health :)
Honesty it doesn't put me off someone but it does worry me. Not so much of their health but mine, which i know is selfish but true. I also worry that i'll end up stinking of smoke and people could think that i do. it wouldn't put me off, i'd just prefer they didn't.
That's a really hard question.

I was furious when I found out that my boyfriend started smoking. I was mad at him for weeks. I wouldn't talk to him. I was only really mad because he lied to me about it.

As a general rule, I hate when people smoke

Then I realized he wasn't gonna quit. I've always found the smell of cigarettes comforting. My mother's always smoked. She smoked while pregnant also.

When he came home after Tech School, I asked him if he was still smoking. He responded with "The Marine Corps isn't a place where you quit."

I actually am totally okay with the fact that he smokes. It's his choice, not mine. He has cut back a lot. He barely goes through two packs in a week.

For one, I think it smells pretty good, gross I know but still.

Obviously, it hasn't put me off from like him at all.

If it were anyone other than him, yeah it would definitely put me off. But I'm not gonna stop loving him, just because he smokes.

EDIT: I don't like inhaling the smoke. I just find the smell of the smoke on his clothes to be comforting. It kinda mixes really well with his cologne.
Both. I think smoking is a real turnoff, especially when girls do. My friend started smoking and hes 14. We havent talked in months.
I wouldn't mind and have friends that smoke, there's this label that if people smoke they are bad, crazy, or wild but that's not true. I wouldn't mind a gf that smokes as well. But what I would do is that I would try my utmost best to help them quit or just gently push the issue because I'd worry about their health. I love my friends and I"m sure I'd love my gf (if i had one..lol), so I'd worry about the affects it can have in the future. But smoking wouldn't put me off to be their friend or increase my want to be their friend.

All the best

I know some of my friends smoke
but never in front of me
so i don't judge them on it so much
but if it was a potential boyfriend
then they probably wouldn't be so potential anymore
It depends on the person...some people can smoke occasionally only outside and have good hygiene and you could never know they even smoke.
And some people smell like they've rolled in an ash tray and smoke every hour on the hour.

It all depends on the person + your preference.
Depends on how much they smoke AND what they smoke.
If they need it, it's a definite turn-off for potential girlfriend. My dad smokes ciggarettes; I hate the smell of smoke, nor do I like second-hand inhaling it.

If it's some occasional thing, then it's not that bad.

Weed on the other hand...I'm honestly not sure. There's a lot of potheads at my school, but I don't know any of the ones who smoke it casually.
Just the loudmouths who think they're badass for doing it.
It doen't put me off liking them but it puts me off going out with them cos they may get me addicted :O
Me it does. Basically because the smell of smoke just ticks me off. I hate it. Even campfires... haha