my poor husband?! not getting any sex since i found out i was pregnant?



he actually asked me to post this question to know ur opinion guys! does he have to take it in? i am only 7 weeks pregnant and i refuse any sexual relationship...he is scared that i will stay like that for the next 8 months?! what do u think?
you should get him a hooker, that always hepls cool husbands down
Well, throughout my marraige, my wife has allowed me four extra-marital dalliances a month. Pregnant or not. Why not discuss that option. Let him have an affair.
Why are you refusing sex? Do you think its bad for the baby? Any doctor will tell you that sex is totally fine all the way through your pregnancy, unless something is wrong. Which he will tell you that too! Sex is normal!! Do it now, you won't want to after your baby is born!^^answer above "extra-marital dalliances" WHAT?!?!?!?!
why won't you have sex? You DO know that there are other ways to satisfy your husband other than intercourse. If the doctor has not told you NOT to have sex then you can safely do it.
well we all get in moods during pregnancy. If you've been feeling bad etc. that may lift and in the second trimester you may feel more "in the mood"A lot of times the second trimester is where you really get to enjoy sex. The womans hormones have regulated but are still strong and everything is more sensitive. I enjoy sex while pregnant many women do not though and everyones mood is different. Are some of your reservations about it worry that it may harm the baby or that you feel weird about it for some other reason? Perhaps husband is not understanding your reasons for not wanting to be intimate... If you do your best to explain it to him he may get less frustrated by it and worry less about it.
Why are you so anti sex? Unless the doctor said no there is no reason to worry. I had sex with my husband right up until my 7 month. Then I was too big and he was freaked about poking the baby.
my husband would love u - think hes hoping i get pregnant for a break lolI dont think its gona be like that throughout the pregnancy, you will find youll get the horn something chronic and hell be wishing it was back at the start.Its what u feel comfortable with anyway = hell just have to do the 5 finger shuffle!! speak to the docs, but theres no medical reason why sex should be off the menu
Sex is not going to hurt silly. Why wouldn you have sex with him, thats how you got pregnant in the first place lol. Besides, now he doesn have to worry about getting you pregnant lol!
wow that isn't very nice of u.. u can have sex after the 6 week... so when he cheats don't be mad then.. it was your fault for not letting him be with u.. there is other ways to have sex.. with out putting it inside of u.. have fun with your husband.. goodluck
I'm due in 6 days and I've CRAVED sex since I was about 3 months pregnant...Before I got pregnant my boyfriend and I did it regular I guess...Now that I'm almost due I've been begging him to do it so it will put me into labor! I mean like 4 times a day and now it's getting to the point that I feel like I'm begging him and he's sacared that he's going to hurt me! Good Luck, I'm sure everything will turn out great!
I was the same way until about 15 weeks... We have had sex throughout my pregnancy, just not nearly as much as we had before.... It's getting better now though- hopefully it does for you too :)
Well...see, I am thinking a couple of things.1) This is your first? Because perhaps YOUR sex drive is gone because you are afraid of what damage that would do to a baby (none, s/he is well protected)2) Your hormones are nutso, also resulting in low sex drive or unwillingness for it.And what I think is that once your body is adaptng a llittle easier to the changes, it will change. Tell your husband to chill... :) Lol, everyone is different, so maybe he won't get any for the next eight months. ...And six weeks after that... But anyway, it's not forever, it will just FEEL like it!!!
first off...if it is a totally normal healthy pregnancy then it is totally safe to have as much sex as you want!!second...its hard to say what you will feel in the future. i didnt want sex at all with my first pregnancy but the next two i was horny as can be and just couldnt get enough lol. its different for different women and different pregnancies
ha ha - only 8 months - just wait till after the babies born - you definatley don't feel like sex then! Wait till your 2nd trimester you are probably feeling pretty crappy now and most people feel more like having sex after the first 3 months when you feel a bit better and before you start getting too big - because then its just too uncomfortable. Don't worry your can't hurt the baby - just maybe rock it to sleep!!!
I had sex the whole time i was pregnant and it was actually a huge turn on for my hubby & i really enjoyed it as well. There's no reason no abstain unless your doc tells you too. If you feel uncomfortale with the idea or actually having sex try pleasuring him other ways. Watch porn together, hand/blow jobs, masturbation, etc.
I had sex throughout my pregnancy ... I needed even more than usual ... but every woman is different, some feel like it less. but if you are concerned about the baby ... dont be ... they are very safe and protected in there and you will not harm it. If it is unsafe your doctor will make it clear not to have sex. ps. enjoy sex now cause when baby comes you REALLY have no urge for a while after ... and when you do, you have to find time to squeeze it in. good luck ... tell your hubby not to stress ... the last thing you want to do is feel pressured and stressed over something like that while you are pregnant!