As the Dem's commit political suicide in Florida&Michigan are you enjoying the show?


Mar 3, 2008
As much as Howard Dean & Hillary must be!!!!I am so pissed off<im in Florida> about these recounts and crazyness that im almost ready to POW MEOW!!!!thanks for all the answers folks...f.p
The Democrats don't have the best and brightest at the forefront of the party these days...
The democrats aren't committing suicide in those states. The governors of those states who agreed to the rules and then decided to go against them are the one's committing political suicide. The voters of those states should oust their governors ASAP.
Man what you talking about. have eat so much popcorn, I am blown up like a balloon. wink wink.
It's kind of like a mixture of The Simpsons and Jerry Springer, isn't it? After Hillary steals the nomination, Obama's base will either disappear or move over to McCain's side, just to spite her. Either way, it's over for the Democrats until at least 2012.
Sure am, they are still in doing the usual blame game here in Florida, it's the State's Republican parties fault that the State's Democratic party is being punished. It's falling on deaf ears since the current govenor is rather a popular moderate but finger pointing and name calling is the norm for them.
Yes, I am enjoying it. I also am enjoying the visions of the Democrat's convention......I think I will be recording it for future laughs!
Hi These are your leaders of your party.Where are they going to lead you next? Not going to be represented at the Dem`s convention.I thought ALL our votes got counted when you vote in an election in the U.S.A. Two governors stopped the people of two states from be represented at a convention.WOW Shame on you and your political career.