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  1. #11

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    Nothing to do with bigotry or racism. It called policy, or lack there of. He is by far NOT the most qualified candidate. That even sounds ridiculous saying it. Get a grip!

  2. #12

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    " his resourcefulness in office" is a laugh... since he's been in Washington, all he has done is run for office and tag his name on other peoples work....

  3. #13
    Junior Member Mendis's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    Perhaps unlike the rest of the so-called "civilized" world the US is not ready for the enlightened rule of a marxist regime. Crawl back into your socialist world and worry about France and the EU becoming another part of the muslim world. Too bad...BTW, neither Obama nor any other candidate running for president of this country are worthy of the office.

  4. #14
    Member memphischick's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    Given the state of French politics.I question how astute the political science society is.I also wonder about your knowledge of American politics.It will be a sad day when our President is picked by"the civilized and educated world".

  5. #15
    Junior Member MentalMickey's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    this is America and wen somebody like the sicko old crazy Mentor of Mr Obama put this country the way he did I get piss and I Hope the rest of the people get piss to and I don't care what color the person is you hate America and you hate Americans and I will never vote for a person that has a Mentor like that evil man

  6. #16
    Meni A

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    Because they are so blinded by bigotry that they want the least qualified and most corrupt candidate to win the nomination so she can lose in the general election. Otherwise, what else will the democrats have to complain about for the next four years?

  7. #17
    Member Memphis's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    SHUT UP! FROM AMERICA! I'm in it for the yahoo points stupid Parisian!

  8. #18
    Junior Member menjamese's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    G.C. once again, you've misrepresented the so many others seem to only took the last part of her the entire thing...if you considered yourself an informed voter, you would know that obama is the best candidate...look up the man's record, for gods sakes before you open your mouth and expose your ignorance, then you'll realize that all those concerns of which you speak, obama would be the best candidate to address them. And by the way, why are you so presumptious as to think the other candidates can address least i have obama's record and consistency to go by...all you can go by is what clinton claims...but once you guys actually take the time to research the candidates and ACTUALLY LISTEN to them, you'd realize Obama stands above the rest. Hillary was has been deserted by some of the most prominent democrats due to her many back-pedallings on issues vital to the democratic policies...but please, i beg of you, do NOT take my word for it, look it up for yourself, maybe you'll reach the same concusion i did!obama 08

  9. #19

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    As a well-traveled and well-cultured American I notice that Americans think with a very provincial mindset. Most are definitely out of touch with everything that goes on outside of America and believe people dislike us "because of our freedom." So, until most of America gets informed, we'll continue to choose the dumber of the two candidates. People want simple "solutions" to complex problems. Europeans have the advantage of being surrounded by so many cultures. Here there are morons who could barely speak their own language proudly tout bumper stickers that say "Speak English Or Get Out!". (As if knowing more than one language is a bad thing, lol). Now, I'm certainly not saying everyone here is a dummy, there are many many intelligent people, but unfortunately the informed are outnumbered.

  10. #20

    Why are americans so blinded by bigotry that they resort to cast 'dirt' on their most qualified candidate?

    PuuuhhhLEEEEASE ... Take him to FRANCE !!Where I HOPE that YOU BOTH can BE HAPPY !!!The French Surrendered !!So SHOULD Obama !!!

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