Are you Obama supporters really turning on him now? Have you no shame?


New member
Mar 8, 2008
Ok. I've been saying all along that I am an African American who supports Hillary. I support her because I like where she stands on the issues. But I don't think that Obama is being treated fairly right now.People need to have some understanding of the Historical, Social, Cultural and Political history of the Black church. The Black church has always been a marketplace of ideas for the Black community. It is an integral cultural component. We may or may not agree with what our Pastor(s) say, but aside from the VERY LIMITED political rhetoric, the Black church is usually a very fulfilling spiritual environment. It is very foolish, not to mention ignorant to paint everyone in the congregation with the same brush. How many people listen to their priest preach against gays or abortion but do not share those views? Can't we all get along?Tadow - Good question and here's the answer. I'm voting for Hillary because I realize that there is still a disparity in the Black community on everything from Income to incarceration rates. I would have loved throw my support behind Obama, however, I knew that TPTB would do what they are doing to him now -- I knew that they would not allow him to embrace his culture AND the office of the Presidency at the same time. Black politicians who do not reject the idea that there are problems unique to the Black Community don't get very far. Also, Obama doesn't seem comfortable being an advocate for the Black community (i.e. Chicago) -- therefore I looked elsewhere.
I have been to a lot of all black Churches in my life and Wright's church is NOTHING like a Christian Church. He puts Race ahead of God. Shame on him!!!! Malcom X about the Kennedy assassination in 1963“The white man has planted the seeds of violence, and now the weeds have grown up to choke the chief gardener…the devil’s chickens are coming home to roost.” Rev Wright about America's involvement in 9/11"America's chickens are coming home to roost"Sounds pretty racist, bigoted and Anti- American to me, and in politics you are 'guilty by association" Obama is GUILTY!!
People are lemmings. They believe whatever the media tells them to believe.
How can anyone get along with that kind of ugly nonsense Obama's pastor spits out? Shame on him, he is not only a racist but un-American and should be sent out of this country for the safety and unity of the rest of us.
So all Black Churches say God Damn America?I understand what you say though, Black Churches have their own way of paying attention to the things that matter to them. And in 99% of the Black churches you talk about are just like you say. But it's that 1% and Obama happens to be a member.
Nope, don't feel the shame you do. Are you trying to prove that the Nazi Germans have good, and well deserved reasons to hate Jews during the Nazi times, too?
Please get real. This was not a sharing of ideas. This was a sermon filled with hateful rhetoric meant to incite his congregation, pitting one group of Americans against another based on the color of their skin. And I dont believe for one second that Obama was unaware of this attitude in his church. The very church he took his family to"worship"How can you support anyone who condones this kind of thing?
If you understand the historical, political and social history of black people or black church...why would you vote for Hillary?
I haven't heard (or read) of anyone including ALL the church members in this discussion.Although, if they have been attending this church for 20 years, I would seriously question their loyalty also. As for shame..yes..we do have shame..shame that we as American people have been led down the road of racial divide by someone posing as a leader of equality and Americanism.If I attend church for 20 years and donate my time and money, I will definitely know what my pastor teaches. And obama did and he does know , no matter how often and how loudly he "denounces " it!
I attend a black church and my pastor doesn't say anything political, it's not the place for it. He talks about what is affecting the black community, not racist crap Wright was saying. He also doesn't tell us to vote for Obama because he is black, that would be just as bad as saying you weren't voting for him because he is black. I don't know about the black church being a marketplace of ideas, we mostly talk about God. EDIT: Just saw the msnbc interview; Obama didn't like what he said but didn't say he told Wright to step down, he said he was close to retirement and going on sabbatical. I'm sorry, if one of my advisers said things I didn't agree with, they would not be my adviser any more. If my friends said they hated blacks or whites or children, they wouldn't be my friend any more. I choose friends because they share my ideals and beliefs and morals. Otherwise, they are simply acquaintances. Whether you like it or not, people judge you by who you hang around.
I get what you are saying, but in no way understand your main question. Why do you think the attacks on Obama are coming from his supporters?
You're missing the point. Obama is running for President of the U.S. He attends a church and the pastor is not only his spiritual leader but his ADVISER and he hates America.If I went to a church that openly preached hatred against gays I shouldn't be running to be the president of PFLAG. Get it?
We cannot get along when people like you want to excuse Black Supremacist Racism. Anyone who excuses the teachings and preaching of African-centrism and Black Supremacism of Trinity United Church of Christ are themselves Black racists!There is no place for Black or White racism.Obama failed to walk away from Jeremiah Wright or repudiate Wright's comment at any time prior to tonight. And tonight he would only repudiate the comments which have come to light this week.See the interview:
It is the media making it into a race issue. The preacher said the Lords name in vain. He is supposed to set an example.I dont like Barack Hussein Obama because he seems to be pro illegal immigration. He voted against cutting funding to sanctuary cities.
I have been to black churches where they only preached about Jesus Christ and not racism. I do not understand how you can say that this is common for black churches to be racist.
If a white minister did a mirror image tirade against blacks, would you vote for the candidate that holds him as a 'MENTOR'?Whites don't like that kind of talk when whites do it. We don't call that kind of speech cultural ideas for the white community. This isn't the early 1900s anymore. We don't like it from us and we don't like it from you. We don't apologize for our pastors when they do it. We fire them. You shouldn't try to put it in an acceptable context when yours do it. It is unacceptable.
White America doesn't want to acknowledge. There wouldn't be a black church if whites didn't discriminated and didn't want blacks to go to "white" churches. I don't like this negativity either especially coming from other democrats. Obama's church or pastor is not running for presidency. Barrack Obama is. I am also tired of all these lies being spread on the net and media about Obama. Go to Obama website and research information for yourself. Instead of hearing and believing others. There's always two side to every story. Some people are scare of anything that new and fresh. That's Barack Obama. I don't want another either years of Bush's policies. I think Hilary and John McCain will go in that direction. I believe Obama can take America in a new different direction. I was a Hilary supporter until Bill Clinton brought up the race card. That turn me off. Plus, the way she has been attacking Obama negatively. I feel she is very disrespectful to Obama. She has played many dirty tricks in this campaign. She lied and said there will be an Clinton/Obama ticket. She has darken his image in one of her ad. I didn't like the remarks Geraldine Ferraro made. She said that Obama would not have made it this far if he were white. Than Hilary didn't fired her on the spot. She didn't denounced or rejected Ferraro. It took Ferraro 10 days to resign. Obama's church wouldn't be in the news if Obama wasn't running for presidency. We live in a society where people of color are treated like second class citizens especially black people. All this fighting between democrats will make a easy win for McCain. FYI, All these politicians have dealing with special groups and lie. McCain has association and ties with Bill Cunningham and John Hagee. I am sure Bush have ties to white supremacist group too.Too Sense: Bush Invites White Supremacist to The White House... At the heart of the rush to war in Iraq, and it continued support among the ... For example, he has advised Bush to adopt "the whole idea of mass internment ... Paul Receives Endorsement of White Supremacist Group
i agree. Everyone is going to say something that everyone does not agree with. If my best friend says that she hated children, i wouldnt agree with her but i'm not going to hate her, or stop being her friend. That is her opinion, i will tell her i dont agree with it but i will always appreciate what she has done. Many pastors do not believe in the United states because of how it tries to become lord and goes against what the bible preaches. People just need to let it go!
I tend to agree with you. I am not African American. But I belong to a church where I have heard many different preachers preach over many years, and I have disagreed strongly with many of them. But I still associated with lots of the people I disagreed with, and I still paid out money in tithes to my church.