How many of you share the same politics with your pastor?



How many of us have pastors or spiritual leaders that we don’t actually agree with their beliefs in politics but we still seek their spiritual guidance? What does attending a church has to do with sharing the same political view with the pastor?And most importantly how sick and stupid is to call a person racist when he is half white himself and loved his white mother way better than his Black father?
This discussion never came up with my pastor and congregation.
If my Pastor spoke against African-American people, I would get up and walk out.
Obama is the embodiment of the multicultural and multi race America. He is white and black and obviously has white and black family.John McCain even has a pastor with controversial viewpoints. John Hagee is his name and he is anti-Catholic, anti-gay, anti-black, and sexists
My church doesn't argue politics because that could jeopardize it's tax exempt status.But at the same time, I don't think I would dedicate a book to my priest either.
Q:How many of us have pastors or spiritual leaders that we don’t actually agree with their beliefs in politics but we still seek their spiritual guidance? I would say not many. I wouldn't turn to Hitler for spiritual guidance. Hitler was a Christian after all, but I don't agree with his political beliefs.Q:And most importantly how sick and stupid is to call a person racist when he is half white himself and loved his white mother way better than his Black father?No. Obama's white mother raised him for 18+ years. Yet, Obama trots his black grandmother out for the media. He's never known her and needs an interpreter to talk to her.
yeah I agree with you, I mean that would be denying the white side of him which I do not think he would do. That shows how america blows things out of proportion
Obama is a Obamanites might as well get ready..........even if he managed to win the nomination.........he will not win the general election..........he is just an average guy, attends a racist church for 20 years, married to a racist bitch. So Jeremiah Wright is the black David Duke? TUCC is to whites what the KKK is to blacks.
i do and if i didnt i wouldnt attend his church .i hate to be the one to break this to you guys but .... when somebody is born with a white parent and a black parent they usually decide to be one or the other . i have a few friends with bi-racial children and one of them decided one way and the other decided to go withe other . not a problem unless your taught to be racists
You are trying to defend the indefensible. Politics does not belong in church. Secondly, the Reverend was preaching racism, hate, discrimination and lies. Mr. Obama is guilty by association. I would not vote for him. He is way too liberal.
you made some good points...the church I attended never talked about politics & I did go there to get what I needed at the time. Many years later I found my mininster was jealous of me & kept me from going forward to become a minister. I had worshipped this women cause she helped me through a time when I had just lost my 20 year old son. She's say we don't really lose anyone they are always with us which is what I needed to hear. Later when I stopped going because of the problems I had with her I came to believe that no book or no person is ever going to be perfect for us. This is so we trust our intution & discern as we are on our path...Barack is not his minister. In life we take what we need & leave the rest & it sounds like that is what he did.
we go to church for guidance,if the pastor is a racist there should be no one in attendance.obama is showing his views by having friends like (racist) louis farrahhan,muamar kadaffy,and other well known far have you checked into this man? (OBAMA)
Christians, like sheep, are mentally challenged and easily led. Obama is one of one of Jeremiah Wrights favorite sheep.
I agree with you up to the last statementHe hated his mother and her race and felt his fathers race was better for him. Check it out in his book.Clinton 08
You're kinda slow, guy. His Church is an Anti- American, Anti- White, radical, Pro- Africa religion. Black folks go there every week and listen to this guy go off on "white America', causing the worlds problems. It all adds up, from the non saluting of the flag, to the comments in his books, Obama is not a Patriot, he has gone to this chruch for too long. Once most people heard their pastor say something racist, they would leave if they didnt believe it. And him being half white means nothing. You obviously havent done any research on him. In his book, he actually called his own mother "white trash", and said he denounced his mothers race at the age of 12. You are an embarrasment, dude. You are white, he hates you, he says so, have some self respect.