PNC check clear, but I've been arrested before?


New member
Apr 20, 2010
I recently sent off for a subject access request in the UK in order to obtain a PNC disclosure. I've been arrested in the past. Trying to think back I believe it could be three times as follow;
First time, about 20 years ago for a petty theft incident; I was 17 and think I was given a wrist slap at the police station. The 2nd time was about 15 years ago, when me and a friend were caught with a tiny (about 5g) amount of cannabis in my car. We got taken to the police station and were released after an hour or so. No further action taken, but maybe we received a caution. The 3rd time was about 12 years ago when I got caught up in a street incident and was arrested for affray. I was bound-over to keep the peace for 5 years which I do.

The thing that is strange to me, is that my PNC disclosure has come back completely clear; it says that there is no information about me on the PNC. Why would this be?

The longer term concern that I have, is I want to emigrate to the USA and clearly want to be honest with them about my past, but I don't remember exactly what happened all those year ago and was hoping the PNC might tell me the specifics. What chance does it give me if it has come back completely clear?

Any advice appreciated.
