I am considering getting an e-cigarette but with no nicotine, just vapor,


New member
Jan 7, 2009
anyone else tried this? I tried my friends and I liked it but hers has nicotine, I prefer no nicotine as well the obvious health concerns. Could there possibly be any harm in just utuilizing the vapor???
ARE YOU FLIPPEN CRAZY!! First you go from just vapor to just a little nicotine to becoming a pack a day smoker then to a 2 pack a day smoker and your life falls down the drain and you die of cancers! just stay away from anything that has the word cigarette in it or the word tobacco. It doesnt matter cuz sooner or later you know your bound to get into real nicotine. The best thing to do is to not even touch one whether if it has nicotine or not
I have tried and it and succeeded so far. http://healthmad.com/addiction/electronic-or-vapor-cigarette-actually-works-to-quit-smoking
the only thing that I can say is you are doing the right thing by quiting - I myself have never taken up that habit but I do understand the will it will take to quit a habit - I myself quit drinking on my own and I use to do a little counseling so the one thing you need to understand is that if them e-cigarettes don't work you did not fail you just found out what do not work for you and their are other ways to stop and as long as you are trying to stop you are winning
If you are a non-smoker, don't bother.
If you are an ex-smoker prone to relapse - go NO nicotine if you think it will help you keep off of the tobacco.
If you are a smoker - GO FOR IT!