Yugioh people; what do green gadet, red gadget, and yellow gadget do?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I know they help summon each other but do they combine to make another monster?
Give me some details :)
the purpoe of all da gadgets bein in a deck is to create a one sided duel basically. wen u summon a gadget u automatically search for another gadget meanin dats a plus 1 every turn. with a plus 1 every turn u shorten ur deck n also create a massive hand dat u can easily pitch a gadget for da effects of a card like phoenix wind wing blast. with cards dat remove monsters on ur opponents side of da field like smashing ground n fissures then itll make it where they wouldnt b able to keep a monster out n ull b atking them directly alot with ur gadgets. the typical gadget deck runs a card called royal oppression, at da cost of 800 lp they can negate a special summonin of a monster. with this n a whole field of gadgets n alot of cards dat protect them ull b basically hittin their lp for small damage. however as many know small damage will eventually lead up ta big damage n mayb game
The main point of the Gadgets is to keep hand advantage. When you summon one Gadget, you can use its effect to bring another Gadget to your hand. Therefore, each turn you can keep summoning at least one Gadget per turn, while your opponent, over time, will most likely run out of monsters to summon. When you combine the Gadgets with Royal Oppression, your opponent will only be able to summon once per turn (since you can stop them from Special Summoning), so this gives you both hand and field advantage. I hope this helps!
well theres two monsters that get their affects by tributing them ancient gear chimera and ancient gear gadgiltron dragon