Karate Black Belt. Need Advice?


May 14, 2008
Ok so im a1st Dan black belt in karate and have been for a while now. I've noticed my belt is starting to fray in lots of areas and is somewhat short on me now. (once I tie it on fully it only has about 4 inches of material to hang down) So I wanted to look for a new one any advice on where to buy one (im based in the UK) and any Tips on caring for silk or cotton belts to prevent fraying in future?
I would look for a Tokaido belt, or one from Dragon Society. The products are impeccable! I've had one belt for years and it's still rocking.
If you've been a 1st Dan that long you might be eligible to test for 2nd Dan; talk to your instructor about that option; if you're not ready for 2nd Dan ask your instructor about a new 1st Dan Belt since your current 1st Dan belt doesn't fit anymore.

I can't think of any tips on how to keep the belts from fraying. Just take care of them (don't drag them on the floor, hang them up when not in use, etc.).

If the above option leads to a dead end I order my student's belts from Tigerclaw I don't know if they ship outside of the USA but you can check (just click the link below).


I just checked and Tigerclaw doesn't ship internationally. I'll see if I can find you something in the UK.

**Edit 2**
Try this one: http://www.team-colours.co.uk/martialarts/master-black-belts.htm
Ask your instructors how you can test for the next level, otherwise worn out belts look pretty cool and show that you've put the work in. Just my opinion.
it should not be a problem if it frays if you look at the old masters many of them have belts that no longer have a string of black so I figure eventually all belts will fray and discolor. as for silk vs cotton, silk is usually harder to take care of from what I am told and a lot more expensive so if you want to keep your belt black the original color you may have to buy a new one every so often
Don't know which style of karate you study, but most Shotokan clubs never change their belts. If you look at some of JKA or SKIF pictures, you'll see venerable instructors wearing belts that are so faded, they appear white. It's kind of a status symbol to have been wearing a belt long enough for the black to fade away. Some Dan rank Karate-ka have newer, embroidered belts that they wear for ceremonies but for training, it's the experienced belt that they wear. Bottom line, be proud you've worn a belt long enough to wear it out, don't replace it!