the odd one out, typical high school situation; I'm not a lesbian.?


New member
Mar 15, 2010
I'm an average high school girl. I don't get infatuated easily. In fact, I hardly ever like anyone. I am attracted to boys, but a lot of people think I am a lesbian because I've never had a real relationship with anyone. I go to a small school and just have high standards.
I have liked a total of two guys out of my four years in high school, and neither for very long. I'm just wondering if its normal for someone to be so picky.. or to be so turned off.. I think I'm just mature, but then again the boys that I have liked haven't been necessarily mature.
I've been thinking about playing the field a little bit (since its my senior year) but honestly, I don't think I will be very happy with these boys.
I should just wait till college right?
don't worry that you have dated any guys. neither have i and i'm not les. Keep your standards high and youll find someone perfect one day. good luck
Do whatever feels right to you. Making your own decisions in your own time will always be the happier and healthier choice.
And being picky in high school is a GREAT survival instinct. Trust me.