Recently, a friend of mine had problems with his blog. He went about his daily routine blogging about this and that topic, which interests him. Often putting what he perceived as witty comments and some of them really are about life in general. Unfortunately, for him his blog was compromised and porn links began appearing on his blog. And it took about five posts till he was informed that this was the case.
Has this ever happened to you?
Or has it ever happened that you were the last to know of a wrongly formatted post or something with a glaring error? And you were the last to know.
Aside from proof reading your post. Try subscribing to your own feed. There are two reasons why:
1) You get to see what your readers see.
2) You are alerted if there is any problem with the syndication of your content.
At least these are two valid reasons that come to mind why one should subscribe to one’s RSS or Atom Feed.
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