SSScat Cat Repellant [The Food Bowl]


Jun 17, 2007
Like many pet owners, we have a few areas of the house we don’t want the pets to be. We’ve tried many things to keep them away, from covering the area to scaring them away ourselves when we see them.
The only thing we’ve found that seems to be working consistently is the SSScat Cat Repellent. It’s an automated deterrent that works using a battery operated motion detector attached to a can of air. That’s it. The spray direction can be adjusted to 15 different angles and detects up to three feet away.
We’ve discovered a few drawbacks, though. The can that comes with the spray claims to be good for up to 200 sprays, which I seriously doubt. We received our unit on a Thursday and by Sunday the can was completely empty. We double checked that the seal was tight and not leaking by listening to it before we placed it, as instructed by other reviews. So, though you’re warned against it and I don’t condone it, we removed the top from a can of compressed air (used for cleaning computer components, found in the office supply store), put the detector top on it, and it’s been going strong for over three weeks now. That’s a difference of about $10 and 18 days, and counting!
Also, you will startle yourself a few times with this because you won’t remember it’s there. It’s pretty unobtrusive and if used in a fairly high traffic area you’ll definitely get your blood pumping the first few times it goes off on you!
Don’t let the name fool you either - it works well on dogs too!
Tags: Cats, Dogs, Pet gadgets, Pet products, Pet safety, pet-links, Pets, ssscat, ssscat cat repellantShare This
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