Regrowth’s Mana Cost Reduced And Other Class Changes For 2.4 []


Jun 17, 2007
According to World of Raids, the following class changes have been included in the latest PTR build for patch 2.4.
- Regrowth mana cost has been reduced, the new values are (from rank 1 to rank 9):
rank 1 - 80 (was 100)
rank 2 - 135 (was 170)
rank 3 - 185 (was 230)
rank 4 - 230 (was 285)
rank 5 - 275 (was 345)
rank 6 - 335 (was 420)
rank 7 - 405 (was 505)
rank 8 - 485 (was 605)
rank 9 - 575 (was 720)
rank 10 - 675 (was 845)
- Blink mana cost changed, it’s now 21% of base Mana instead of 28% (live). (It was 15% of base mana in the previous build)
- Thoughness [sic] (tooltip description changed)
old: Increases your armor value from items by 2/4/6/8/10%, and reduces the duration of movement impairing effects on you by 10/20/30/40/50%.
new: Increases your armor value from items by 2/4/6/8/10%, and reduces the duration of movement slowing effects on you by 10/20/30/40/50%.
With the nerf that druids get to their lifebloom spell’s coefficient thus making them heal less, I think druids will be a bit consoled to hear that another of their healing spells Regrowth will get a pretty substantial reduction in mana cost. Of course for a Tree of Life druid, lifebloom is their main healing weapon so the nerf is still bad.
The change in the tooltip for the shaman’s toughness talent has huge consequences in my mind since movement impairing is way different from movement slowing. If I’m right, toughness will work on chill effects like that of my mage’s frostbolt but not on a rogue’s stun. As far as I know, the main reason enhancement shamans even cared about the new toughness effect was to prevent this situation: “You can’t do that while stunned”. So the new version of the talent just doesn’t excite me anymore and I think the same is so with the shamans out there.
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