Utterz - Be Herd [Uncover The Internet]


Jun 17, 2007

Sitting in a panel now talking about Utterz, which allows you to quickly post entries and blips to your blog, flickr, twitter and more.
The panel is discussing how mobile blogging empowers a community to develop the conversation around a topic.
Utterz is the first way you can instantly blog your experiences, thoughts and ideas, anywhere, using all the capabilities of your mobile phone. Utterz mashes together the voice, video, pictures, and text you call or send in and creates an ‘Utter’ that can immediately update your existing web pages on sites like Blogger, WordPress, Facebook, LiveJournal, MySpace and more. [See FAQ how do I grab a widget, how do I use Utterz Connections and how do I embed my Utter?]
One person on the panel just shared a very interesting use of Utterz is that she setup a private family utter to share information about things going on with her family. Specifically she said that they used it to share updates for medical issues.
Utterz allows connecting with your community via mobile, cell, audio, video.
I’ve been amazed at the level of communication that’s capable between individuals roaming all over a downtown area and city. With the use of smart phones, Pocket PC, cell phones, twitter and everything else it’s so easy to be connected to everyone and connect with each other as needed.
Go visit these websites for more information:
Technorati Tags: utterz, flickr, twitter, social networking, community, communication, connection, network, social
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