How come when women complain about anything, their complaints are


New member
Feb 22, 2010
automatically found and just? but when men complain about anything that can be seen as sexism towards them, they are "whiners", "complainers", "people who don't have anything to do with their time" etc. I was reading a question about a man suing British Airways for a policy that treats all men as potential pedophiles, and one of the first responses was from a woman saying "Doesn't this guy have anything better to do with his time?" Suing is ridiculous". Another question about with someone pointing out another case of sexism against them , one woman simply called the asker a whiner with a "victim mentality". Thats certainly not the only time I've seen any men's problems just brushed away like this. I've seen it many times. So how come whenever women complain about anything, its a huge problem, but when men complain about certain things, they're whining losers?
For the record, I think whining is for pussies....I don't respect men that do it. With women, I mean what can you expect? They're just women...

I don't really worry about such things b/c intelligent people can see that women who make these claims are just trying to shame men silent to prevent being called on the carpet for any and all wrongdoings. Part of being a real man is knowing that you have a responsibility to tolerate, rise above, and take care of those who are weaker then you be it physically, mentally, emotionally, whatever. That is really the only reason women have survived throughout history.
Society has always seen the man as the stronger gender, so they are supposed to deal with problems and not whine. But if the man has a problem and needs help, there is always somebody to criticize him. I think it happens because they are not used to seeing a man do this, therefore it's taken to the extreme and seen as a rant.