Relationship help..someone willing to read my ranting, and give advice...?


Active member
May 11, 2008
So today is the 6th month anniversary for me and my girlfriend. I've been pretty unhappy about several things for quite a while, and I just need some help to try and reason things out..

---I've been trying to think of a good word to describe a couple of these things that I just can't stand about my girlfriend, but I cant seem to find a good word. Here's some examples..

1) She is very narrow-minded for some things (e.g., She doesn't understand that I can care about my looks and that I appreciate nice clothes, without being gay-which I have told her I'm not MANY times that I'm not!)

2) She has these very annoying ideals (e.g.,-- I am supposed to pay for EVERYTHING, even though I am a college student with 24 dollars in my bank account.)

3) She has this sense of entitlement for mine and even other ppl's things (e.g., she will just randomly take my room mates drinks from the fridge without asking, until I tell her that it is not OK for her to take his drinks, and then bitches about why I never have drinks--(back to the 24 dollar thing)

I definitely want to break up with her, but it's my first girlfriend, and I'm having trouble just doing it.. What do you think about my complaints, shes obviously has good things about her, but she does these things that I hate so often! Also how are you supposed to know if your in love?-and deciding if the small things you don't like about a person are worth interfering with love?
I know that was a lot, but any advice would be really appreciated..
she not the girl for you and you no it. she all take and self centred you take pride in your appearance and she ridicules you with gay slurs. you don't need me to tell you what to do you all ready no.
The word I would use is selfish and self centered. Love is something that is very respectful and kind. You never want to hurt the other person, you take thier feelings into consideration and you don't expect the other person to pay 100% of the time, it's a give and take. This is your first girlfriend. You have learned now what you like and don't like in a mate, and it's time to break this one off and move on to the next one. That is just part of dating, you get to know what works and doesn't work out for you. When you find the ONE, and you will, you will know it in your gut that this is the person you don't want to live without. Good luck and God Bless
well if you want to break up with her you've just got to reach down and grab hold, then just do it... though i don't advise doing it over the phone, or email or any other way to side step it, at least give her the decency by doing it face to face.
as far as true love goes, you'll know when you know. for me its an overwhelming feeling...just can't really explain it man. well have fun and good luck.