a record label my music? Ok, my friends have a rock band. They just got signed by Warner 4 days ago, and know they are in the process of making arrangements for promoting, and stuff. They are getting all this free stuff too lol...
Here's the thing: they are a rock band, and I am a rapper. So my question is this:

Does them getting signed, in any way, help me with MY quest to become a rapper? Like, I went up to them and congratulated them, and one of my friends said "I promise man, once we get big, I'm going to make you famous too." So my question is:

If I make a demo, will he be able to give it to his record label (warner signs rappers as well) and say "check this rapper out", or will I have to follow the steps like everyone else and send a press kit, wait,etc.? (Or will my friend who got signed be allow to just give it to Warner with his own hands?)

Please help, and God bless you all!