*~*~ My relationship is falling apart....need advice? *~*~?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I have been dating this guy for about 4 months, but we were friends for almost 8 months before that. I was comfortable with him from the very beginning and he was definitely more into me than I was into him for the first couple of months but now it seems the tables have turned. I have been going through a lot the last month and have been getting mad at him a lot,for some legitimate things and probably some stupid stuff too. It finally came to a breaking point last week after a fight (because he broke plans with me), and he sent me a message telling me that he doesn't know how to make me happy and that everything he does pisses me off and he doesn't want to lose me but he doesn't know what else to do. I sent him a message telling him that he means a lot to me and the reasons why I have been acting the way I do and how I feel like he doesn't care about me as much as he says because his actions don't match his words.

We spent Thursday and Saturday together and we had a fight on Saturday because we had plans and he didn't call me until 6:30pm and had been drinking with his band all day. We talked when he got here and then we were ok, or so I thought. He didn't respond to my text on Monday night and so I ignored his the next day. Now we haven't talked in 5 days and I sent him a email last night, since I knew he would ignore my calls, telling him how sorry I was for being a pain in the *** the last few weeks and how much he means to me. He responded today telling me "i don't think i could spend as much time with you as you want to make you happy. I care about you so much but im always pissing you off. no matter how much i see you your still unhappy."

I asked him to come over today so we can talk, but he said he is going out of town for the weekend, and it took him an hour to even respond to me. He means so much to me and I dont want to lose him, but I dont know what to do. He won't see me and I know he wont answer my calls.........he also posted on his fb page that "He doesn't know what to do about anything anymore" any advice?