Why won't the GOP ever tell of Lincoln's only motive for "freeing the slaves"?


May 20, 2008
Why won't the GOP ever tell of Lincoln's only motive for "freeing the slaves"?

Why do they constantly try to make people believe that he did it because he felt sorry for those poor "darkie" slaves that he kept? Why do they continue to paint this rosy picture of this so-called love affair between Lincoln and the slaves? It's really tired.
They all owned slaves. Nice try.
My mother had nothing to do with it. Reported.
Thank you Shara. I see that you're up on things.
For so many decades, the public schools have brainwashed "Lincoln freed the slaves" into little impressionable kids heads. They wanted it to be like some romantic fairytale of sorts. But they never told the little naive kids what his sole motive was for doing that. And they still probably aren't today seeing all these kids who still don't know what the real deal was.
Probably for the same reason the demon-crats won't admit they were against freeing the slaves.
It really bothers you that white people just arent so racist anymore, doesnt it?
The Civil Was was fought over State's Rights issues.
The States Right in question was slavery.
He was planing to send them to Liberia. The civil war was supposedly to preserve the union, it was actually to get the souths money and end its economic dominance over the north..
Actually there are some very intriguing things going on with Lincoln's ethnicity. Read this. http://www.melungeons.com/articles/mar2005.htm

Edit: This link also shows the link between actor Tom Hanks and Abraham Lincoln. For those of you who don't know Tom is a fourth cousin of the former President.
Why are you trying to race bait

and lincoln didn't own slaves dude just saying he wanted to unite the union more than freeing the slaves..
Does the motive really matter, as long as the end result was the slaves freedom, I'm sure they did care about the motive, but the result of Lincoln's actions*************************************
Points for Obama! Step right up and get your points for Obama lol. He was a good man, he did a good thing! It is unbelievable how far you lefties will go to make even a decent conservative a bad person.
Because that would mean that the civil war was really all about states rights. What the federal government did, and the reasons they did it was unconstitutional. They had to find some excuse to say they were doing it in order to protect people (Unless you're talking about Northern businesses, then that's obviously false!) So they freed the slaves as an afterthought.
I find it amazing that this is still being taught while if you take a tour through Arlington National Cemetery (and I have), they mention the slaves that the Union General owned DURING the war. The war was about slavery??!!! lol... Yeah right.
Lincoln would be a democrat today, not what the republican's have turned into. back then, democrats were the party of states rights and republican's were the party of the abolitionists. it's funny how republican's conveniently forget about that both parties flipped sides in the 1940s and 1950's.
If you're going to troll you can do better... on this one you can even use facts.
Lincoln never intended to free the Slaves. He was going to allow the southern states where slavery existed to stay slave states he just fought its expansion into new territories. He didn't care about rights of freed slaves either. He only started freeing the slaves as a war tactic a few years into the war.
Race obsession is tiresome. Leftists are soooooo tiresome. Completely predictable.
Lincoln was a Republican.. But he was liberal in his time..

The GOP tries to only hint that he was a Republican and freed the slaves because it helps them look good to the misinformed..

The parties switched over time.. Lincoln would most likely be a Democrat today, not that it matters..

Freeing the slaves wasn't his major issue, but it's not like he was against the cause.. It was just a backburner issue for him, and by offering, it helped his chances with the war.. Can you blame him?? It worked out very well for him none the less..