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  1. #1

    I've been experiencing pain right below my diaphragm,front middle area for

    a days now dont know what it is the pain comes and goes whenever I noticed today though that as I got full it started to hurt badly that's the first time that happens. I have never really had abdominal pain like this in my life. I can't help but feel though that I hve gas like that feeling that I need to burp but I can't. Earlier today I had a can of soda and that helped a bit. I would really like to hear some feedback. Thanx

  2. #2
    Isee you wrote this back a year ago. I hope the problem has left you. For me, however, it still continues. The same thing started with me once every few months. Same place. I'd just be left pressing into the area in the middle right at or just below the diaphragm screaming in pain for hours until I just passed out from exhaustion. Sometimes I had pain medications, which never really helped at all. The last year I got medical coverage and found out I had a deadly stomach bacteria. I took the antibiotics yet this didn't stop the pain that I was experiencing. I never got a chance to get retested for it either. I also found out I had a gallstone. Yet the doctor didn't think that was the problem. He thought it was gastroreflux disease and prescribed me Pepcid 40mg. I've taken it for months now with no relief. I've tried Tums, prescription strength Pepcid, Donnatell, Hyosciamine, various antibiotics, Myrilax and a prescription for severe constpation Lact-something, Vicodin, methadone, Morphine, you name it. No relief. Now I have no insurance and I reapplied and was now denied. I'm left not knowing if this is going to kill me or not. My fiance had similar pain and his was from a grossly deteriorated gallbladder that fortunately got found in time. It became a regular thing for me, now occurring daily. Sometimes there's gas, which belching or passing doesn't help, other times their isn't. The past 2 or so weeks my stomach has started "distending?". I don't feel heavy, I just feel like a hot air baloon stretched past its limits. I've tried vomiting some of what was on my stomach and while that used to give me relief when it would happen before, I get no relief now. These times of vomiting was only during severe distention. I AM constipated normally but that isn't causing the pain where it's located. I can't handle the pain anymore and I don't have anyone that can take me to the ER. My fiance lost his job and I haven't been able to work like this. I can't afford a doctor and can't get insurance. I'm terrified to eat, I'm terrified NOT to eat. It's just so random. Not one specific thing causes it. I'm genuinly scared. It's been starting to hurt for hours again so I decided to see if anyone online has had the same symptoms and this is the ONLY thing I've seen that comes close. I just wish I had an answer for you though after a year you've probably forgotten about this thread or, hopefully, the problem is gone.I'm sure this isn't the only case in history...
    Good luck.

  3. #3

    health care

    And that folks.. is what's wrong with your american health coverage. In Canada the problem would have been found out within a week at NO cost to you.

  4. #4

    Heart New

    actually I am experiencing what sounds like the exact same symptoms and I am Canadian -- I was told I have heartburn and given Prevacid it did not help just made me frequent the washroom. I came on here looking for my own answers because the health system is so short of doctors I can't get to see the same one twice.

  5. #5

    Flower Blue diaphragm pain

    Hi I am Canadian and have the same problem, but mine only seems to come in the evenings when I slow down. And it hurts to touch the muscles on the top of the stomach on the diaphragm. I have saved this site and if I can get in to see my DR I will Gladly forward any information to you.

  6. #6
    and that folks, is what's wrong with a government run health care program.

  7. #7

    sod maybe

    sphincter of oddi dysfunction maybe ... AND really wish I was Canadian!!!

  8. #8

    Component Middle of the diaphram pain or bloating

    Have any of you considered lactose intolerance might be your issue?

    I'm 53 now, but when I was 21 a friend suggested I quite drinking dairy because of continual migrains - and it took care of 95% of my headaches. Then a few years ago someone suggested I try Kefir because it can help you digest lactose in dairy products. Now I take drink kefir first thing in the morning or with a meal - and my health is far better. Although I still don't overdo dairy products. You can also get lactase drops or tabs to use before ingesting dairy - or to add to milk products.

    Interesting enough having mercury amalgams in your mouth seems to screw up your digestive system also, so if possible consider replacing the metal in your mouth with composite or some other bio-compatable dental material.

    One last thing, as we age we tend to have less hyrocholic acid with which to digest our food. I use a bit of organic apple cider vinegar on my food or squeeze lemon into water with my meals and it helps me digest food and takes away bloating.
    Possibilities, good luck, Julie

  9. #9
    My wife went through all the pain you have all explained, the only comfort she found was with a heating pad on her stomach. The pain comes and goes without warning. I have now started having the same pain and cant help but wonder if it is something in our water or maybe even in the house we live it. I cant believe that this kind of weird belly pain is something you can pass on. I wish I had health coverage to get it checked but I don't and I will have to put up with it. Good luck to you all, I can tell you this has only been two days for me and it freakin sucks!!!!1

  10. #10

    Earth stomach position


    You may want to look into haitus hernia. I believe its far more common than we think. An acupressurist, naturopath, or other more alternative doctor may help you. It happens when, usually through stress and bad eating habits, that our stomach becomes higher than it naturally should be. In this unnatural position, it presses on the diaphragm, causing pain with deep breathing, full stomach, upon waking. Also acid reflux, and constant burping. What will help is deep breathing, relaxing stomach muscles and tension, going easy on the digestive system (not overeating or constantly eating, avoiding inflammatory foods such as meats, sugar, dairy, caffeine, salt), and self-massage. Use your hand to try to gently guide the stomach down - starting in the middle under your rib cage and moving to the left.

    Good luck.

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