Should All Liquids Be Banned From Being Brought On

yes, and that includes all liquids in our bodies......maybe next they will xray us, and make us use the bathroom before getting on the plane.
They should be banned in hand luggage, and they will be.
with the current social climate, they should be doing absolutely everything they can!!!!! so yes.......i would rather be kept waiting, and to give up my luggage or whatever if it means a safe flight...and family and loved ones arriving home safely!!!
yes but with this stuff going on I wouldn't fly, come to think of it I won't fly ever
how about just banning explosive liquids. a taste test could be instituted. what about medicine? baby formula? are those people just not allowed to fly now?
No they should be regulated more through, the reason because if you have a business that get all its profits from some type of liquid and benefits all of Americans would you really want "them" to cut out your benefits
I saw a traveller on the news complaining that you can't take ANY liquids on the plane. She was dissapointed that you couldn't "X-ray the liquids or something..." to be sure it wasn't explosive material.First of all, explosives ARE explosives because when you add a small amount of kinetic energy to them, they EXPLODE.It would theoretically be possible to carry a liquid that would be detonatable by being x-rayed. Most likely the liquids a terrorist would attempt to use are fuel types or accelerants. Even simple rubbing alcohol can be a powerful explosive when you put it in a soda bottle with pool chlorine. WATCH THIS EXPLOSION: problem is, if a hijacker gets ANY type of explosive on a plane, you have no idea how powerful it is until it explodes...the fear alone could cause any number of catastrophes.I personally would rather the airline prohibit chemicals and metals than to be on an airplane and have it get either hijacked or blown up in mid air.
No. Well, yes. Hold on... let me explain.No because some people take liquid medication. Therefore, a signed note from the doc. explaining what the contents are and such is a valid statement of what the contents are in the bottle.As for outside beverages, no. Airports should start serving "marked" bottles or require that all beverages be disposed of upon entry to the check-in.Any suspicious liquids should, of course, be properly disposed of. Cosmetics such as liquid hairspray and what have you should also be tossed. Anything that does not have a legit reason to be with you is fair game...
As I understand it from the news it would be a combination of liquids mixed on-board that would create the explosive bomb, various liquids are suspected to be disguised by putting them in various commercial product containers that would look natural to inspectors. Given that in the meantime I would say yes to banning all liquids.