10 week old puppy humping toys?



I asked the question yesterday about my 10 week old male puppy humping some toys. I have a few more questions about this behavior.

1) Sometimes the puppy is humping toys that were here before him and belong to my adult dog. I have given each of them one toy that is theirs and theirs only. All other toys I consider community property. Should I permit the puppy to hump toys that aren't necessarily "HIS"?

2) Puppy is respectful to me and minds me. But, do I need to do something with the toys specifically to better illustrate that I am boss? In addition to humping the bigger toys, he sometimes drags small toys into his crate as if to say "these are mine". He will also try to engage me into tug of war at which he will NOT give up!

3) If he starts humping humans or our adult dog, how do I best correct that?