Is there a website where I can rant anonymously?


New member
Nov 28, 2009
I've been looking for an "anonymous rant" site where I can type a paragraph or so knowing that others will be able to see it (and possibly search it if they're googling themselves), but no one will see that it's me. I wouldn't have to sign a name to it, and my IP address wouldn't show.

Is this something that exists? Is this a pipe dream? Thanks!
You can rant to me, I don't know you. I have a buddy who I used to email all the time, he helped me with a lot of emotional stuff. Then my hubby and I met him in person. It's awsome to have a real person you don't know to rant to.
Nope. Sorry. The only anonymous rant site available is the WordPad program on your computer. Type in your rant, then delete it. Anything else can be traced, tracked or resurrected.

I spill a lot of sheeeeet in that place. [;
try Lot's of rants, complains and confessions there. is pretty good, but the rants disappear after a while as new ones replace them.