Should alcohol sales be limited to over 21's now?



I am referring to shop sales, not in bars and clubs. Surely there is nothing to gain from allowing kids to buy alcohol and we all know certain shops could not care less how old their customers are.

It is clear to me that as a nation we are incapable of controlling a large element of our younger people, our whole culture seems hell bent on self destruction so at least lets make an effort. A ban on under 21's can only serve to help but we need action now before yet another innocent person is stabbed to death by a drunken yob.
To all of those that think it should be illegal or stay the same let me ask you if you have ever compared our culture to another countries culture where the law is 16 like France, England, ect. They have a different way of looking at alchohal. They don't binge drink and get hammered. I don't know why this is, probably along the same lines of your mom telling you not to do something...
Yes and the legal age should be put up to 21 for most things
No. We have the appropriate laws in place but the courts never seem to be willing to use them. They have the power to shut down shops who sell to minors, close pubs who serve intoxicated people, fine them, close them temporarily but the people with the power to act are unwilling. So bearing that in mind you can make the legal age 30 but it wont stop them shops and it wont make the decision makers impose the laws they already have at there disposal. The problem seems to be forcing the law to actually act and follow it up.
I agree that something needs to be done. We have one of the worst binge drinking cultures in the developed world and female binge drinking is virtually unknown in any other country. I think raising the legal age to 21 would be a good start but we also need to tackle this problem hard on many other fronts. We need more responsible vendors, tougher action on antisocial behaviour, a huge awareness campaign about the dangers of excessive drinking and young people need authentic role models to look up to, not overpaid and loutish celebrities.
I think that ......

Alcohol should be for over 21

Car driving should be for over 21

Motor bikes should be for over 21

Voting should be for over 21

Going to war should be for over 21

Dole money (DHSS) should be for over 21

Paying full price on the bus / theatre ETC, should be for over 21

Smoking should be for over 21

Travel outside of the uk should be for over 21 (unless with an ADULT)

And everyone should stay in school until they have learnt to be polite and have learnt some manors and respect for others.
no way!!cant beat watching a good fight after the pub!!suely everyone agrees with me on this!!
Yes I agree, one of the most dangerous and freely available drugs in our society. The government appear to be happy to allow people to consume vast quantities of alcohol with their blessing, rather hypocritical
Yes I agree, one of the most dangerous and freely available drugs in our society. The government appear to be happy to allow people to consume vast quantities of alcohol with their blessing, rather hypocritical
I feel that if you can be 18 to fight in a war...

then why the hell can't you buy liquor.
We used to sneak into the pubs at 16. We knew we were doing something we shouldn't have done, so we kept quiet, consumed our half of Red Barrel and went home. However, if today you stop alcohol sales to the young, they will simply find another person to purchase for them, or move onto other potentially more damaging intoxicants, like meths or solvents. Control that, and then they'll move on to home brewing and distillation. It is really a matter of looking to do something about the root problem and not how it manifests itself within society. Look to the deep rooted dissatisfaction and look to resolve and cure, rather than attempt to ban, limit and restrict.
I live in Canada and the legal age for alcohol consumption is 19! Actually 18 if you live in the province of Quebec. As far as I know our crime rates are a good deal lower than those in the US so I don't see a strong correlation between drinking at 19 or 21. I agree that if you are able to vote, serve in the war etc, you should be able to control your drinking and have the right to drink (almost all kids do anyways- can't say the legal drinking age stops many!)
Yes it should, and much tougher fines for shopkeepers.

Though to be honest, I dont know if it will work that well, a lot of the time its stupid adults getting booze for the kids, so I dont how how well raising it to 21 would work.

Im all for it though, and i think France has the right idea - kids are raised with a glass of wine at lunch, its part of family life, they seem to have a much better balance with kids and alcohol than we do.

I dont know if there is a solution that will work, but raising the age would be a good way to start.
Alcohol should go the way of illegal drugs. It kills more people every year than any drug. It impairs your thinking ability, destroys families and the body, but yet it is still legal to buy. It should not be available at all. To anyone.
Or will they get their mates who can prove they are over 21 to buy it for them?
As someone has already said - if they are old enough to die for their Country in battle at 18 and they are now old enough at 18 to vote in a General Election to choose how the Country is governed, can you, logically, say to them you aren't enough of an adult yet to buy a bottle of beer?
Tricky one!
Edit - you missed a couple, Martin
Age of Marriage without consent - back to 21?
And what about "Age of Consent"? 21?