Buell the only American Sport bike company, can it be saved?


New member
Oct 16, 2009
The bikes are truly a work of Art and form Harley Davidson to just pull the plug. It not just A bike it's an American Dream, It is what Harley Davidson is to the cruiser. Buell, I just didn't just buy the bike, I believe in the Ideals of Buell.
They were ugly and sounded nasty (in the bad sense of the word) ill handling, ill engineered pieces of filthy swill and I'm glad i don't have to look or listen to them any more. Good riddance Beu-Hell. 2 wheeled Edsel junk wagon hit by an ugly stick and left to rot along some side alley in Milwaukee County somewhere then run over by a Milwaukee County snow plow and then Willie G Davidson came and took a dump on it and who in their RIGHT mind would ever buy a dam Buell? Like a Harley isn't bad enough.
Buell made great bikes.I'm gonna buy a 1125R before they are gone. Will my 99 Cyclone be a collectors bike?
Most people I know threw rocks at Buell considering them unreliable and uncomfortable with a serious vibration problem. If they were all you claim the motorcycle buying public would have saved them..
I agree with Baron. If you still like Buell it's because of one of two reasons:

1) you haven't owned the buell long enough or...
2) you haven't owned another sport bike.

Sorry to say it. I am a true-blooded American red neck son of a b*****, but I also face the facts and know that America can not make a damn car or bike right.

The only credit I'll give to HD is their sound. NO other bike sounds close to them...but what is it worth if it don't run half the time?
I agree it is a good machine. But how far into the red can a company go for how long before it breaks?

Simply too many cheaper alternatives on the market.