How to treat a cigarette burn mark on face?


New member
Aug 22, 2008
Over the weekend, I accidently held a cigarette too close to my face and it left a small mark :( stupid I know. Now it's purple-ish and sort of peeling. I don't have neosporin at the moment so I've been using vaseline, but I'm open to anything. How can I treat it? What remedies should I use? How long would it take to heal? Will it leave a mark forever?

Thanks so much!!
If you use neosporin, keep it clean, and let it breathe, it shouldn't leave a scar. Just take care of it. Don't put vaseline, it will irritate it. It might heal in a week or it might take longer depending on its severity but just be patient and if it scabs don't pick at it!
Don't use toothpaste either, or butter. Those are all bad for burns.
If you have lavendar essential oil, then just put a couple of drops of it onto the burn three or four times a day. It will help it to heal quickly and minimise any scarring.
Don't burst it, the blister forms for a reason, to help with healing. If you do, it will take longer to heal up and the scar will be worse.
Go and get it a body exfoliating scrub. Rub it for 5 minutes on the face where you are having that mark, after that wash your face with cold water. Doing this daily will slowly remove the mark on your face.
exfoliating it is a terrible idea, that will leave more of a mark!