Why do men complain so much?


Jun 1, 2008
I always hear men saying that women complain so much. Idk if all men do maybe you can tell me from your experiences but my bf complains soooo much!! I can't take it anymore. "Why do you have to shave here?" "Why do you leave the plate dirty?" "Why don't you clean it right now?" "Why do you use so much shampoo?" "Why do you take so long in the shower?" "Why?""why?""why?" I'm so sick of it. I really can't stand him and I'm thinking of leaving him. I started acting like him and complain like he does, for example, he just shaved and left hair all over the bathroom so I went to complain just so I can tell him what he would do. So I've been complaining more more and he can't stand it and start talking about how women complain so much. Doesn't he see how much he complains???
Men complain just as much as men. They just run out of things to complain about so they complain that females complain to much haha
I think men and women complain equally and it also depends on the person. Some people complain more than others.
Maybe you shouldn't do some of those things and maybe it won't give him something to Complain About Or Just tell him how you feel.
And i Don't want to sound like the bad guy but there has been Proof women Do complain more. Think of the difference between 1 Couple that don't get along all the time And Billions of people in this small world.
I think it's bc men and women don't understand each other I think we both complain bc each one of us has our own needs.
I am dating this guy and he's actually my cousins bff and he's also my cousin's employee. First time we met was at the office and he seemed really nice. But as we started dating 2 months into it he couldn't stop complaining about everything! How I dress, how lightly I draw in my eye brows like what straight guy would notice something like that. He complains about what type of shoes/heels/sandles I wear when their in fashion. He even complain that I have no taste buds because I like to experiment while I eat. So what if I want to had more seasoning or spice or anything to my food. I'm eating not him. He complain and says its rude when i walk out of a room to take a call, but he does it all the time. I dude told me he loved me after I told him i'm through with him. Wtf really? I feel like he just saying the things that I want to hear. A girl leaves and the guy says what the girl wants to hear and stupid me belived it. none of my exes has ever complain about me. They always give me compliments and tell me how I look nice. He said if I do look good when standing next to him then I need to changed that. I was like wtf really? This guy is talking about wanting me to buy name brand clothing change my whole wardrobe blah then stop complaning about it and get it for me. Nope he's broke and all he can do is complain. I'm not a god digger but if you dont like the way I dress than buy me what you think is nice or forget it and see what a good hearted person I am and forget about all that materialistic shi** im not sure if he's doing all this because he wants me to feel like crap that way I don't find anyone eles???