IF there is a Hell, a place of eternal torment, as so may believe, then where is...


New member
Sep 17, 2009
...it located? Man has and still is exploring the heavens, so we know where it is and that it actually exists, now I want to know where this place of Hellfire is located. Has man found it so it can be proven, shown to non believers or is it really just a made up place to scare the life out of people to get their money, keep them coming back to church each week? It cannot be from a God of Love because he would not have the mindset to condemn anyone to such a place, especially not his only begotten son, Jesus. So, tell me, where is it located so I can this for myself. Hellfire has to be hot so it shouldn't be hard to find and with all the torment going on those there should easily be heard. So, where is it?
As one of my dear friends says, "What say ye?"