whats the best sex song >?

Any thrash metal, or anything with fast technical riffs, blast beat drumming, etc.
look up some music called F()U()C()K action! i love dat shizznit! its chopped and screwed slow music! if u like R&B you will love that shit! "deep" and "making good love" are two of the best.
it really depends on what type of songs you listen to but the best song I'd have to say are from the oldies is from "Marvin Gaye Lets Get It On"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKPoHgKcqag
Well depends on what you like. Every time I listen to Linkin Park, I want to have sex with my husband. Lol. It was the music playing the first time we had sex. So... your tastes may be different.
Cannibal Corpse - I ?um Blood

Sorry, it had to be said

edit: ha, Censorship DEFEATED!