Heard any good right-winged rhetorical rants?

Every rant cons have about our president is rhetorical, things that 'might' happen, but never do happen.

"He is going to turn us all into Muslims!"
"He will turn our children into zombies!"
"Yeah, I've gotten tax breaks now, but you wait and see, he'll raise them!"
I heard he was going to give all the libs who pay him lip service on ANSWERS will get a 20% increase on their welfare checks. Cha-ching for you!!
It doesn't matter what they say or rant. They have no power. So why don't you concern yourself with those who do have power? Cass Sustein, Mark Lloyd, John Holdren, Tax Cheat Tim Geithner, John Conyers who won't read the bills, Charlie Rangel who forgets to pay his taxes or report his assets, etc etc etc.
How about this one: Don't get an H1N1 flu shot - it really contains a live virus which is designed to murder us!!!!!
Take a look at your post for pure rhetoric and I class it as a rant. Any questions??
"He's going to kill your grandma and indoctrinate your kids into some communist organization."

Just imagine whoever it is making this crap up snorting meth, all wild-eyed and such, and then it makes sense, but what about the folks who repeat it?
Yes I heard this one today...that liberals and some democrats were like those gambian giant pouched rats and Prez Ohbama is the peanut butter.

I think it`s time for them to get a new crystal ball. It`s not so much that the one they have now is scratched and flawed but rather splintered and shattered mirroring their interpretation of truth.
President Obama gave a pretty good one today in his Speech to the kids where he seemed to be preaching personal responsibility and accountability to a bunch of Americans WHO cannot re-elect him.....

But when he talks to adults, it is all about how we need to take money from one group who has it to help out another group who doesn't.......Weather it is "cash for clunkers" or corporate bailouts, or "public option while you can keep your own health plan" (my personal favorite of his uncountable lies to-date) Everything he says seems to be about punishing success and rewarding failure!

And hey YO-YO, I have been driving 4 cylinder cars all my life, where in the hell is MY $4500.00?
Never any good ones. They get too excited and lose coherency. That's why Glenn Beck is NEVER coherent: Having an audience gives him a stiffy.
No, just the usual left wing ones like yours, that tell me how great Obama is or Van Jones or any other czars that were never vetted!
Wow! You have all the qualifications to be a Czar in the court of Ali Baba and his 40 thieves. Just call Comrade Muhammad Obama and I am sure he has a spot for someone of your intelligence.
No and it seems neither have you. Make stuff up much? No one has gotten any tax break under Obama and the other two are just ridiculous..
Oh, there is the one about how our constitution is being flushed down the toilet. Then there is the one about how several of his czars have openly declared themselves as communists. How about how Obama wants a one world global economy. The list of those silly rants go on and on and on.