Religion and marijuana?


New member
Aug 12, 2009
According to a recent survey the city I live in and it's surrounding area has the highest rate of illegal drug use in the entire US. We also have a very low crime rate. A few years ago our citizens voted to make marijuana possession the lowest priority for law enforcement.

What do you think of this?

Are you for or against legalizing marijuana for recreational use?

What is your religion and how does it influence your views?
I am for the legalization of marijuana for every use.

I am agnostic, and it affects my views only in that I do not try to see things through a religious stand, rather from a logical one.
If it's legalized it will take away one of the obvious proofs of how culturally biased and unfair things are in America, and I'm sure that if it's legalized it will be so they can do other devious stuff in other areas of our lives without us noticing so easily. Still I favor legalization, just not the potential complacency of people as other evils creep into our national character, like torture.

I'm a spiritual atheist, I don't believe in God but find the outlook of mystics fascinating. Both the Deist type mystic like the Sufies and the Non-Deist mystics like the Buddhist share some deep insights into the experience of existence, which to me is what all this is about.
I'm an atheist and I think there are a lot of good arguments for legalizing cannabis.
Well, I personally hate the smell of marijuana and I have a phobia of inhaling things. So if I had a choice, I would keep weed illegal. But that would be selfish of me because why should I prevent others from doing what they enjoy? So I guess I don't really care if it's legal or illegal. And I don't have a religion. I'm an atheist. Although, I don't really see what religion has to do with drugs.
I am a Bible-believing Christian and am all for the legalization of marijuana and other natural substances for recreational use. The Bible tells us that all herbs were created for the benefit of mankind. Can you say 'coping mechanism'?There is archaeological evidence that suggests cannabis was used in the incense of the temple. I have personally had profound spiritual experiences while using marijuana. As for your low crime rate, I think it was entirely predictable that a populous which is free to smoke when they want to would have less violence and that the crime rate in many cities is inflated due to marijuana arrests. God bless you.
For God sake it is only a leaf. Just like alcohol it is only water.

The Government should stop being a father to us.
"Are you for or against legalizing marijuana for recreational use?"
I am all for DE-criminalising ALL 'drugs'.

This is a truism in most modern societies..
Drugs that treat are good; drugs that transport are taboo.
Im a Buddhist and we are all about the mind and how we make decisions. One of our five rules is not being intoxicated because it changes our mind and behaviors and make bad decisions which break rules.
i dont agree with A class drugs like cocaine and heroine, but marijuana is natural. it comes from the earth and it puts people into a meditative state. look at the jamaicans. do you know how much weed they smoke? do you know how peaceful they are? im in australia,and in this town nimbin (NSW) people smoke it in public, in the street, in the local bars etc and the police turn a blind eye to it because there is never any violence. they are just relaxed and mellow towards everything, and there is never any trouble. if people want to out law it because its damaging to health, then why not outlaw cigarettes and alcohol? these have much more damaging effects to not only the users health, but to the people around them. cigarettes are the 2nd highest cause of death in this country, so why focus on outlawing weed before cigarettes?