Canon PowerShot S90 Pocket Pro Point-and-Shoot Hands on : OMG, Want [Digital Cameras]


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
I thought Canon's new G11 pro point-and-shoot—decked out with everything but HD video, depressingly—would make me drool the most, but I was wrong: Canon's pocketable pro point-and-shoot, the S90 is fapfreakintastic.

The design is exactly what I want in a high end point-and-shoot—it's svelte, but not too puny, and the black metal finish feels sturdy, without the whole thing feeling like a little brick. (I hope you like black, since it comes in black It really manages to achieve that zen balance level between feeling professional and consumer, though it makes me want to run around shooting only in black and white. What slew me, though, was the clicky control ring around the lens, which you can use to adjust almost any setting—it can change the ISO, focus or zoom. As you know, real gadget people love dials and gauges things that actually click and feel like they actually control things in this age of silent squeegee presses on glass screens, and it taps into that pretty hard.

I almost don't know why you'd even go for the G11 with the S90 on the table—the S90 uses the same high sensitivity sensor, meaning you should get the same kind of image and low-light performance, which I can't wait to check out in depth, since Canon's using the same size sensor as the G10 used to use, but actually cut the megapixels down to get better light sensitivity. And the S90 isn't the size of a gorilla fist.

The only real problem I see right now is that it doesn't shoot HD video, just standard VGA. But if it shoots truly gorgeous pictures—which we intend to find out shortly—I can let that go.
