would some accommodating religious nutjob give us atheists an example of a


New member
Aug 17, 2009
prophecy which has come true please? and when you cant, will you stop claiming that they are bloody proof of a god ?
Israel becoming a state in 1948,please don't stereotype and call me a NUTJOB,you don't even know me.
The Jews are back in their own land exactly as the bible predicted.

The prophets stated that when the people were regathered, the nation of Israel would be re-established. This occurred on May 14, 1948 (see Isaiah 66:7-8; Zechariah 12:3-6). This is the cornerstone prophetic event of our age. It is an event that prophetic scholars have pointed to for 400 years amid much scoffing and ridicule by those who did not believe that Israel would ever exist again as a nation.
Jesus was written about in Psalm 22 1000 years before his birth. All came to pass many he had no control over. The world was changed.
If no God and no Jesus why the change in the disciples and others? Why does Christianity still exist if built on a lie? For me faith is the proof and all I need,for you evidence the evidence is contained in the Bible but you reject the evidence. The Bible stated clearly a fool in his heart says there is no God. Bible speaks truly.
Not my job, not my preoccupation, not my concern.
Meanwhile, stop shoving your atheists garbage sites that are overflowing on the Internet. You guys are just as bad as the religious nut jobs! LOL!
"Accommodating religious nut job" ... hey, I've never had a moniker before. Cool.
I think you need to spend less energy on things that do not exist. Either that or just ignore people when they are being dumb. They can choose to be arrogant, accommodating, passive, inspiring, or downright divine. After all, a decision to become a Christian does not make you glow in the dark ... it's just a quality decision. My church has a sign out front that reads, "No perfect people allowed."
Micah 5:2 (Jesus to be born in Bethlehem)
Jeremiah 30:3 (Jews returning to their land)
Psalm 22:16 (Jesus' hands and feet being pierced)
Isaiah 7:14 (a virgin shall conceive and bear a son) - called Immanuel (God with us)
Isaiah, Chapter 53 (whole chapter)
Why should we waste our time stating them to you when you are not going to read them anyway.

Stupid atheist. Just you. Not the others. They're fine.
At the last supper, Jesus said that he would be killed soon.

I know you won't believe it. but you asked
Hey Olderman; don't you think that was kind of a no-brainer?

If I hold an anvil over my foot and say it's gonna hurt when I drop it that isn't exactly a prophecy.
The Nation of Israel was returned to their land in 1948
Even the generals of that time said it was unprecedented as to how Israel was able to acquire their land.
You did say an example.
Oh, but there are! Bad weather! Earthquakes! Other religions! The fact that I'm ridiculed on the streets when I say these things! It was all predicted in the bible!


I agree with you.
Someone have a hangover today
Only to sight are they are as men Serpent headed when the glamor is lifted but appearing to men as men among man
Came they to man and taught him the secret The word that only a man can pronounced Quickly sending him back to his place
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
