which is better the blackberry perl or the perl flip?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
I know there basically the same phone I want to know if someone has used both and which one the preferred and why
I have the BB pearl.
I would go with the new pearl flip because it's a more updated phone. The BB pearl doesn't come with video recording, the pearl flip does. Basically everything on the pearl flip is a more updated version and newer. The pearl came out in 2006 and so a lot of it's stuff is out dated. With the pearl flip you will be able to use a lot of stuff that they're coming out with for newer BBs. So yeah. Get the flip.
I love blackberry! I mean they are awesome, I have a blackberry and it's the best cel I ever had, I mean I can be online in MSN or yahoo! everytime and plus it is way easier to be in the internet oooor you can also use BBM which is a black berry messenger, it is free and you have a PIN to use with other friends or family that also have blackberries.
