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Results 31 to 40 of 47
  1. #31
    it was hard for me to get to sleep after taking it as well. i received great results from it. in a week and a half i surpassed my peak point in benching (which took me 3 months before) and gained 3 pounds of muscle

  2. #32
    philthy 67
    hey i am taking amp wheybolic ex 60. and i am doing 110 on dumpbell benchpress. after 2 months of training. so it works

  3. #33

    A reply with the facts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    well ive taken this wheybolic extreme 60 for 2 days and didnt event get any responses from my body from this, now its bothering because im thinking did i waste my money. because the second day of working out i didnt even get a pup during my work out, and feel fatigued now is this how it suppose to work
    Sorry Mate there is hardly any sugar in this product. You must be confused. We're talking about Gnc's Amplified Wheyabolic extreme 60. The line up goes like this:
    Calories 280
    Calories from fat 10
    Total Fat 1g
    Saturated fat 0.5g
    Cholesterol 15mg
    Total Carbohydrate 7g
    Dietary Fiber 1g You can subtract one g of sugar because of the fiber
    Sugars 2g
    Protein 60
    Calcium 280mg
    Sodium 300mg
    Potassium 450mg
    Micronized Amino Acids 8.5g
    Leucine (as whey Isolate and L-Leucine 7.7g
    Lcarnitine (As carnitine Tartrate) 500mg
    Amono Acceleration system Enzyme matrix blend (Amylase, Prolease 4.5, Protease 6.0, Cerecalase, Peplidase, Alpha-galactosidase, Glucoamylase, Bromelain, Protease 3.0, Lipase AM, Invertase, Lactase) Carbogen.

    Other ingredients Protein Blend (Whey protein isolate, Hydrolyzed Whey)
    Cocoa (processed with Alkali) Natural and Artificial flavors, Polydextrose, Lecithin, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium

    Contains Milk and Soybeans

    Typical Amino Acid profile per serving
    Arginine 3624mg, Alanine 2895mg, Aspartate 6499 mg, Cystine 1467mg, Glutamine 10,324mg, Glycine 932 mg, Histidine 1142mg, Isoleucine 3934, Leucine 7764mg, Lysine 4820mg, Methionine 1201mg, Phenylalanine 1689mg, Proline 4244mg, Serine 2885mg, Threonine 4362mg, Tryptophan 1039mg, Tyrosine 1738mg, Valine 3441mg. Total 64000mg

    You clearly are confused or my belief "lying". Be safe with your body, you only get one. Trust generic name brand from major health stores. Companies with stores have a lot to lose and are less likely to put something harmful on the shelves. Also know that this protein is to be mixed with water only. Mixing it with milk will make you sick. Also there is no banana flavor.

    The definition of whey: is the serum or watery part of milk that is separated from the curd in making cheese. You can take comfort that the majority of this product is made from milk.
    Too much soy can cause cancer because the soy is acid washed.

    I notice increased stamina, as for the recovery time, not so much. Now for proteins with too much sugar. Muscle Milk has way way too much sugar.

    Oh and this information has been taken straight from the label.

  4. #34

    My apologies before hand

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    well, u people mite not notice that there is a lot of sugar in this product. the amount is not listed, but it is obvious that there is due to the great taste. all of the sweeteners in this are at least as sweet as aspartame, if not sweeter. this mite be contributing to the lack of sleep, so taking it b4 bed may not be a good idea...morning, and after workout (hopefully it's not close to bed time)
    Before hand I would like to apologize to the moderator who monitors this forum. I clicked the wrong button and informed the wrong person. Being a perfectionist I would like to correct that mistake. So I will post this to the "Right person" this time and hope you can forgive the miss post. My only hope is to give individuals with the right information. I hope you will forgive this error and delete the other post. Thank you

    Sorry Mate there is hardly any sugar in this product. You must be confused. We're talking about Gnc's Amplified Wheyabolic Extreme 60. The line up goes like this:
    Calories 280
    Calories from fat 10
    Total Fat 1g
    Saturated fat 0.5g
    Cholesterol 15mg
    Total Carbohydrate 7g
    Dietary Fiber 1g You can subtract one g of sugar because of the fiber
    Sugars 2g
    Protein 60
    Calcium 280mg
    Sodium 300mg
    Potassium 450mg
    Micronized Amino Acids 8.5g
    Leucine (as whey Isolate and L-Leucine 7.7g
    Lcarnitine (As carnitine Tartrate) 500mg
    Amono Acceleration system Enzyme matrix blend (Amylase, Prolease 4.5, Protease 6.0, Cerecalase, Peplidase, Alpha-galactosidase, Glucoamylase, Bromelain, Protease 3.0, Lipase AM, Invertase, Lactase) Carbogen.

    Other ingredients Protein Blend (Whey protein isolate, Hydrolyzed Whey)
    Cocoa (processed with Alkali) Natural and Artificial flavors, Polydextrose, Lecithin, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium

    Contains Milk and Soybeans

    Typical Amino Acid profile per serving
    Arginine 3624mg, Alanine 2895mg, Aspartate 6499 mg, Cystine 1467mg, Glutamine 10,324mg, Glycine 932 mg, Histidine 1142mg, Isoleucine 3934, Leucine 7764mg, Lysine 4820mg, Methionine 1201mg, Phenylalanine 1689mg, Proline 4244mg, Serine 2885mg, Threonine 4362mg, Tryptophan 1039mg, Tyrosine 1738mg, Valine 3441mg. Total 64000mg

    You clearly are confused or my belief "lying". Be safe with your body, you only get one. Trust generic name brand from major health stores. Companies with stores have a lot to lose and are less likely to put something harmful on the shelves. Also know that this protein is to be mixed with water only. Mixing it with milk will make you sick. Also there is no banana flavor.

    The definition of whey: is the serum or watery part of milk that is separated from the curd in making cheese. You can take comfort that the majority of this product is made from milk.
    Too much soy can cause cancer because the soy is acid washed.

    I notice increased stamina, as for the recovery time, not so much. Now for proteins with too much sugar. Muscle Milk has way way too much sugar.

    Oh and this information has been taken straight from the label.

  5. #35

    Cube Molecule Lactose

    I've been using AWE60 for two months now. The only effects I've experienced are rashes, from lactose intolerance, heavy stomach, probably from the 60 grams of protein. But other than that, my recovery rate is amazing! I can push sets and reps nearly 10 to 20 pounds more than usual. I tried one day without AWE60 and i was tired halfway through my sets. I increased my overall max by 60lbs in 1 1/2 months!!!! but you should probably consult a doctor if those effects you have persist.

  6. #36
    i love wheybolic, i havent had any bad side effects using this products. i hate the price on it but its sooooo amazing. has digestive enzyte with amino acid block.

  7. #37

    GNCs Amplified wheybolic extreme 60

    Can GNCs Amplified wheybolic extreme 60 cause hair lose? and do's it have creatine in it?

  8. #38
    I take it in the morning and post workout. I never have caffiene because my body is sensitive to it. After I take wheybolic 60 it makes my heart race and I feel jittery just like Ive taken caffeine, it sucks. This is the only whey proten I've taken, been on it for 2 months. Seen results but I feel like I have to stop taking it soon because of the side effects. I need some other alternative were I can get my protien and not feel like this.

  9. #39
    I've talked to alot of customers and I've experimented with taking mass amounts of Lucine and yes taking a lot of lucine gives you quite a bit of a pump. And Amplified has alot of it. So those of you who can't sleep? That would be your problem, everybody's body reacts differently, some people will react a little more stronger then others. If you like taking a protein right before bed, (which is key if your trying to build muscle) take a casein protien, it'll break down slower, perfect for night time.

    Does Amplified work? Yes it works, its a partially digested protein with added digestive enzymes, so essentially your body doesn't have to do any of the work. Because of this, its able to hit the muscles faster then any protein out right now which makes for a perfect post workout drink.

  10. #40
    I am *extremely* sensitive to caffeine and other stimulants, if taken too late in the day they will keep me up all night. I just picked this up at GNC yesterday and had two scoops in the afternoon and slept fine. Didn't notice feeling any different.

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