If an alien came into your bedroom at night and invited you to travel back to their

No! What if they seemed all friendly and whatnot, but secretly they were going to probe and dissect me for research if I agreed to go with them. It would sort of be cool though, until you were dead. If I could skip the whole death part and make it back home, then I would do it. But unless I was guaranteed to come back in one piece, I wouldn't do it.
No because what if it's home land is like the toilet or something?? If it told me where we were going then duh!! Of course I would!!! A cute little alien that would be fun to cuddle with or a huge monster killer alien who i could wrestle with duh!!! ANSWER IS YESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

probbley to see what they live like and how it would be BUT if they said they wouldn't bring me back well then i would'nt do it so yeahh but if i saw a alien i probbley would hide under my duvet never mind talk to the strange thing! i don't think they would invite me anways lolz :)
absolutely not! Aliens our freaky...
what if their world was more
complicated than ours?

If I did travel back with them, I'd be really homesick..
I'd pass
Space travel with extra terrestrials isn't really my thing :)
That's what area 51's for :D
So I'd just say no politely, and if they give me an attitude, then I'd end up getting into a fight with an alien :p