How do you make your research topic more into a research topic and also interesting?


May 11, 2008
In my women's studies class we have to come up with a research paper topic that has to do with women in the media. I have a paper topic, which is examining how Tina Fey's character on the TV show 30 Rock, goes against gender stereotypes but I don't really know how to make this into a "Research" topic and what a thesis could be. It sounds kind of boring right now. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
your thesis would be pretty much what you said above, that Tina Fey's character on the TV show 30 Rock, goes against gender stereotypes. but the tricky part is not only putting it into your own words.

how do you feel about women in the media? answer this question first and honestly. pick about five or more characters and compare and contrast them. Are they all stereotypical or not? How so? Answering these simple yet complex questions will stir you in the right direction

in terms of the paper, research many figures in the media and compare and/or contrast those characters with Tina Fey's character. pick maybe two or three others to illustrate your point. your paper can be either how these women defy the stereotypical women we see in the media or how they play into the stereotypes...however you feel it would make your paper interesting is up to you