my girlfriend has been having her guy friends spend the night at her house. when i...


New member
Jul 24, 2009
...complain about it she sayss? my girlfriend has been having her guy friends spend the night at her house. when i complain about it she says that im being controlling of her life. what should i say to her? everything i do is controlling.
dear lord!!! if my man did that.. i would be on the news..dump her..and find someone that can show some respect.
Capitalize on the situation and call over some girls you know to your house. She can't say shit and if she does then you ask her what the difference is between what you are doing and what she's doing.
i have my guy friends stay over all the time my boyfriend who used to be my guy best friend doesn't mind because he knows what goes on, try staying over when they stay over learn what they do if it makes you uncofortable tell her in a nice way
i have a boy friend and a best guy friend. my boyfriend also has a girl who he thinks of as his sister. but we do not spend the night at either of our friends houses, thats just weird.
i hate should say them or me...i hate guy friends all they want to do is fuk your girl that is the only reason they are friends in the first place it doesnt matter how good of friends they say they are or how long they have been friends they just want to fuk your girl...the "guy friend"makes me sick..
invite some girls to yuhr house & see how she likes yu with other people.
ima girl too & i know that she has feelings for another guy.
if she wants yu in her life she wouldnt have other guys in her life.
i say, BREAK UP w. her or just invite some girls to yuhr house.
hope i helped :)
She's disrespecting you!

How would she react if the roles were reversed? Dump Her! If she's not already she'll soon be sleeping with that dude.
If she's in high school, that's her parent's business.
If you both are older, you should have a talk to clarify what the terms "boy friend & girl friend" mean to each of you. A lot of relationships hit these bumps b/c one person automatically assumes the other person views relation ships in the same way. Just have a talk.

When I was on my 20s, I dated a lot & I learned that dating meant several at a time. (No assumption of intimacy, merely enjoying companionship on outings.) I knew a lot of men were confused that dating them made them my boyfriend.

If I did select an exclusive boyfriend & I found a behavior unacceptable to me, then I would inform them, tell them why it bothered me & it was up to them if they'd want to try & change or if it was going to be a deal breaker. Sometimes it did end the relationship, but that was okay b/c we could go back to dating (we're still friends) & they can keep the behavior that is none of my business as their date.

You use the words "complain" & "controlling." I don't know if your mean them literal or as a figure of speech. But just a caution, if you have a good relationship, you don't need to complain. Just talk.

I've had guy friends stay late from movie & popcorn night & I was too worried about them driving home sleepy so I put them on my couch. (Never in my room. I don't want to have to sleep on my own couch b/c someone snores.) That could be all there is.

You should be able to tell her that these are not the qualities that you expect to find in a girl that displays actions of fidelity. If that's controlling, then you will have much problems taking it to the next level.

As newly weds, my husband placed demands on me. You can bet everyone of those were broken just to show him that I am not an object to be controlled. BUT when he came & talked to me about his feeling over my behaviors, this showed me that he trusted in our marriage enough to share his must vulnerable feelings. I weighed things out & a lot of times (not all ) he got what he wanted b/c I thought it was a small price to pay for his peace of mind since he was always giving back to me in an ongoing two way give & take.

This route does not lead to make up sex, but there's a nice "were closer than ever" type that WAY surpasses the former.

Talk. Casual. If she's not ready for the maturity of the relationship you want then pull back to being dating friends & go explore your options.
Just letting you know my best friend in the world does this same thing to her boyfriend (well a guy she's been seriously dating for 5 months). She sleeps(!) with all of these guys that are "just her friends".

Good luck!