Are the Zumba DVD's A Good Investment?


New member
Jul 24, 2008
This question is for those who go to Zumba classes or have bought the DVDs.

Im looking into getting back into shape. I have about 20 pounds to lose. I would love to join a class, however, I dont think im am confident enough to actually step into one!

I was thinking of getting their DVD set instead, but it is a bit costly, and so I would like to know, for those of you who are familiar with Zumba, are the DVDs actually worth it, or should I just get over my shyness and get to a class?

By the way, I am hispanic, and so I do dance to spanish music, however I wouldn't consider myself a "dancer". So, I also want to know if the DVD's are made where those of us who aren't so good at dancing can get the hang of it.
I'm not a dancer either, but I have been hooked on Zumba since my first class, and now I'm training to become and instructor!

I've never done a DVD at home, but have been going to Zumba at the gym for 8 months. I was hooked on day one. Don't worry---it's like the slogan says, come join the party. We all have so much fun in class. The instructor is great, everyone is friendly and supportive. There are people who love to dance and strive to really learn the moves, and there are also people who obviosly can't dance and are there just for the fun.

I originally lost 12 pounds doing mostly just Zumba and a sensible diet. I've lost about 20 pounds now, but some days I do other forms of exercise (elliptical, tennis, jogging). You will see the benefits of Zumba in no time.

Plus, since you're Latin, you'll probably pick up on the beats a little quicker than others.

Best to you and welcome to the party!!!