Would the religious right object to a lesbian couple and a gay couple raising a


New member
Nov 19, 2008
child together? I keep hearing that children absolutely must be raised by both a male and a female to have an optimized upbringing (though of course those who claim this never offer any statements made by the APA, AMA, AAP or any other credible pediatric organization).

In any case, let's humor this for a moment. If it is indeed so obvious that one needs a parent from both genders, then it should follow that a child who has two mothers and two fathers is in a far better position than a child who has only one father and one mother.

So what do you save religious conservatives? Wanna help me start hooking up gay and lesbian couples into "parenting partners"?
They shouldn't. It would be awfully cruel to orphan more children than necessary just because it doesn't fit in with someone's ideologies....
I'm not saying the religious right are "right" or "wrong", but by offering up the idea of two sets of genders you're not improving on the time proven method of male parent and female parent that we already have.
Well since I'm sick and tired of repeating myself, I'll just say I know from watching with my two eyes that a gay couple can raise a good and decent home.

Telling someone they can't raise a family just because they are gay is like telling someone they can't raise a family just because they have pink hair. Dumb and stupid. People who say that a gay couple shouldn't or can't raise a family have absolutely no clue as to what they are talking about.
I'm still wondering why the reactionaries think that being born to a same-sex couple means that you're totally segregated from the other sex.