is it ethical for the military to have



recruting ads on video game pages to go after kids that play shooters??
well if they are kids they can't join anyway, you have to be 18
Indeed, gives them the opportunity to do what they're pretending to, anyway.
Why not advertise to people who are most likely to join anyway? How many grannies do you see playing those games? Besides..the military has become a business...just like police, which is on the 10 worst jobs to have.
Depends on how the game is know how some are rated Teen, Mature and stuff like that...anything Teen and above I think should be ok. Teens by then know there options when they get in highschool and are getting ready to graduate.Under the Teen rating though I don't think they should put ads like that on there. Otherwise it doesn't matter.
What's wrong with that? What better way to spread your propaganda to easily-influenced children than through the smut their parents already expose them to. Actually, I don't want to be too hard on the parents, because with all that filth going around, you can't stop your kids from being warped by it.
Yes it is with their shooter experience they are let likely to die in battle and probably have a predisposition for that stuff its better to have the people obsessed with sorters in the military then mixed up with the common public. They will leave the military more well rounded.