Cigarettes and Pregnant?


May 12, 2008
Ok so i'm 8wks pregnant and before i found out i was pgnt i was a big time smoker, "weed and cigs." i immediately stopped smoking weed (26 days sober) when i found out tho. I'm just having a hard time with the cigs. I have cut back from like 10 to 4 a day and i almost never smoke the whole thing at once. I live with my boyfriend and he smokes to. Since he found out im pgnt he hides the cigs from me now and that only makes me want to find them and smoke. I haven't seen my baby on the monitor yet so maybe that will help me but that's not until another week.What should i do until then. I know some of you may say you stopped as soon as you found out but it's not working for me as much. I guess weed was a big step but i know it's not big enough since i'm still with the cigs,PLZ DON'T JUDGE ME FOR THAT IS GOD's PLACE ONLY..I don't need attitude or rude comments, i just need some advice..Plz give me credit cuz there was a time where i couldn't go more than a day without smoking weed and its been 26 days..
Well i didn't know i was pgnt when i smoked 10 a day...Plz no men responses..
Thanks gals.. I supa happy no one was rude cause i cry alot now and i don't need a headache..I will keep you gals posted on what happens
i congradulate you on stopping weed. but you really need to stop smoking. i'm sorry i'm answering bc i dnt know how to make you stop except to tell you to picture your baby growing up with serious birth defects. also, tell your boyfriend that he needs to stop smoking because studies show that secondhand smoke affects babies.
i know this wasn't the best answer, but i wanted to congradulate you on what you've accomplished.
I commend you for quitting weed....Im almost 35 weeks and quitting was much harder for me. As for cigarettes, Im not saying its okay, but I personally am still smoking about 1 cigarette every 3 days....I just need to stop! My friend is due 3 weeks after me and she still smokes 6 to 10 a just seems like there are so many pregnant people out there who smoke.

If you cared enough to be able to quit something so enjoyable as marijuana, then you should quit cigarettes for the same reason. They are just as bad or worse for you and your growing baby and you seem like you want a healthy baby. Just know it's not going to be easy, it takes self discipline.
congrats!!!on both being pregnant and stopping smoking weed i have heard its hard to quit i don't smoke myself but just try to remind yourself that its your baby in you that is also getting the smoke in its little cute lungs i think that's what my mom did when she found out she was pregnant with me good luck and i hope you have a safe pregnancy and a happy and healthy baby
well Its good u stopped pot. i would stop cigarettes too.. But everyone has there own opinion.. I believe pot is better then cigarettes.. Sry but I do.. Good luck and congrats on ur pregnancy
Your boyfriend also needs to stop smoking that will help you, it's difficult to stop smoking when one person in the house still smokes. Also, there is the issue of second hand smoke not being good for the baby. I totally understand about the not being able to quit right away because I just quit 3 months ago for different reasons but I know how hard it is. Just taper down as much as you can and don't go around people that smoke because that will just make you want to smoke. I found chewing on a straw to be satisfies that oral fixation that we got from smoking. If at all possible, try to find a support group so that you have someone to talk to when you get really desperate to smoke. And the one rule to remember is that the craving for nicotine is fairly short so if you can get you mind on something else for a few minutes the craving will pass and you will have forgotten about craving at a time.
well think what more important.. your ciggs and weed. or your baby, that is totally innocent and cant do anything about your habit. you think everyday that ur baby comes first.
If you smoke 1/2 to 1 pack a day during your pregnancy, it will cost your term baby one pound of body weight. That may not be an issue if the baby is term, but smoking makes it more likely you will go into labor prematurely. And one pound on a premature baby is a lot of weight.

The best thing is no smoking, no weed, no drugs, no alcohol, eat a good diet, do not gain a ton of weight. Pretty hard to do for some, but it is worth it in the end.
well think what more important.. your ciggs and weed. or your baby, that is totally innocent and cant do anything about your habit. you think everyday that ur baby comes first.
When i first found out i was pregnant i smoked and cut back alot then as i got to 10 weeks i decided that i needed to quit for the sake of the baby growing inside of me. It was hard but i knew it was all worth it!

Good Luck
honestly hun, I said i was going to quit when i saw the baby on the monitor, but it doesn't work. Well it didn't for me anyway. and seriously screw what people say to you, cause i just had my baby one day ago and she is healthy and fine, no side effects, birth defects and she is beautiful in everyway. And I smoked 10 a day, or a little more. So people can shove there rude comments where they dont belong. Cause my child was just fine!!..
first of all, congrats to you on your upcoming new arrival and for quitting smoking weed...

as far as the cigarettes are concerned-i am sure glad that you have been able to cut down as much as you have. i'll tell you something that my sister's doctor told her when she was pregnant-she's a smoker too (just cigarettes tho) he told her to cut down as much as she could, and quit if she is able without stressing out too much. he told her that whatever withdrawals she is going through the baby would be going through too, and it might cause undue stress on the baby. so keep up the good work and i hope everything turns out for you...
try to get into some type of 12 step cigg group. Even if it costs its worth it to save ur babys life. Did u know that every time you take a puff ur baby stops breathing, which means no oxygen to the brain. Do that enuff times and you get a brain dead baby. Try and think about that when ever u want to light up, hopefuly it will help. congrats on kicking the weed habit, i know how hard that is.
My mom smoked with my sister and I. That was like 22 years 23 years ago. Pretty sure she knew it wasn't good for the baby.
We turned out i think.

She did quit for my little sister though.
She's a lot taller then us though.

My sister (the one she smoked with) and I are a lot shorter then my sister that she didn't smoke with.
Not sure if that has anything to do with it though.

It sounds like you are doing your best by cutting down though.
Try lollipops and gum.

Or just eat more! You're pregnant, right.
For all of my mom's pregnancies she went from 115 to almost 200 lbs.
I don't think thats normal looking back but she lost it after having each one of us.
I guess it was her excuse to eat what she really wanted.Lol.
my cousin smoked when she found out her doctor told her to slowly cut back like cut back one smoke a week because the baby will be addicted and its not good to stop cold turkey!!